
According to the reviews submitted by the readers from different places of the planet, this is a very enjoyable and interesting reading; the publication will give you a completely different view of the Somali pirates than is usually shown in Hollywood movies. It is a moving story based on the absolutely real facts.

The story is well-told with no excessive distractions. Captain Phillips has managed to bring the seriously growing pirate threat to life. Read this one, we do recommend it to all people as it is something unusual. The book tells its readers the genuine life-and-death drama of the Captain of Maersk Alabama merchant American flagged ship.

An excellent and fascinating story of courage and adventure, providing the truly intimate details of the death threats, escape attempt, unbearable heat and everything else he had to face. With great respect to the Captain...

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By 1855, Canada ranked among the greatest ship-owning and shipbuilding nations of the world. A vast dispersed flotilla of 7196 Canadian-constructed wooden ships sailed the oceans of both hemispheres. Quebec was the business centre of it all, one of the world's most important maritime trade, and that was where that Henry Fry settled about a century passed after the British forces ended France's failed North American empire.

Two very decisive battles took place on the Plains of Abraham; Quebec city was overwhelmingly French-speaking, and the city would become so again. But for a few years in the middle of the nineteenth century, two of every five residents of the port city used the everyday language of English, and even more did so in business Shipbuilding and owning, and timber commerce — largely conducted by men like Henry through their British contacts — dominated the economic life of Lower Canada, while the city was its capital. At those times, shipping agents and brokers did not care too much about their business ethics.

Many of them were quite well known for continuously charging really usurious fees in advancing money to the shipbuilders. They overloaded unseaworthy ships with timber to enlarge their profits and this was directly endangering the lives of the seafarers. Henry Fry was one of the notable exceptions. Beings very honest and generous, he did his best fighting against human rights abuses, "He was an outstanding figure in the maritime history of Canada", wrote Basil Greenhill....

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Production of both oil and gas offshore involves the most sophisticated engineering projects and is considered a prime source of income for many countries and commercial entities. It shall be noted that the risks of the major offshore accidents demonstrated by such the famous disasters such as the Piper Alpha, Alexander Kielland, Ocean Ranger and Sleipner A are also involved.

Subject accidents are representing the ultimate way in which the offshore engineering projects could go wrong. Among such accidents we would note the human death and suffering, environment pollution and commercial problems. The QRA, standing for the quantitative risk assessment, addressed in this publication, is a new technique cutting across the traditional divisions of engineering, applying to all of them. Most of the textbooks addressing this technique are relating to the fields on chemical/nuclear engineering and currently there is no any standard reference volumes that would provide the proper guidance on the offshore risk assessment.

The objective of this guide is to give an introduction to the QRA as applied to the offshore industry, aiming to introduce all most important aspects of the QRA and describing the good contemporary practice in offshore QRA, including selection of the data and more or less simple analytical techniques to be used...

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As implied in the title of this booklet, it is dedicated to the stability of the fishing vessels. The stability of subject vessels is something people commonly depend on for both their lives and livelihood. Their actions and decisions they make is what keeps their ships safe. It shall be noted as necessary that even it is a very safe vessel complying with all requirements of the applicable rules, the wrong and poor decisions related to the operation can easily result in the loss of stability and even capsizing of the vessel.

The present guide is intended to help the crew members of the fishing vessels and all people sailing on them or involved in their design and construction properly understand the most important elements directly influencing the stability of the fishing vessels as well as the critically important hazards that subject vessels are commonly exposed to. Understanding all factors reducing stability of the vessels will help people in making right decisions and taking right actions to keep their vessels safe.

The main content of the booklet has been arranged in two big sections. While the first section of the title describes the whole importance of stability covering its basics, acting forces and characteristics, the second section has been fully dedicated to the stability hazards that the readers shall look out for, such as the downflooding, overloading, water ingress, and preventive measures...

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Let us introduce a concise glossary of grammar terminology as well as expressions and words that are commonly used to describe the grammar. We should note that the author could have easily made the publication much bigger and intimidating. However, this would definitely take the author into dictionary making not glossary making, as it was intended; and, with the intention to avoid this, the author of the book has had to choose which of the terms are considered key ones and important enough to include in the glossary and, in turn, which terms could be excluded.

Apart from the glossary itself, the book includes a list of useful books relating to grammar supplemented with the suggestions for further research. The book was prepared by one of the most distinguishing expert grammarians in the world and provides basic and simple info on grammatical terminology. All definitions provided by the author are very concise and clear, making the book wonderful to use. The remarkable efforts made by the author, Geoffrey Leech, resulted in this publication presenting a huge number of useful terms.

The proper usage of such terminology can be a problem for the students and that is why there is a necessity for such sort of publication providing the accessible guidance with the focus made on the English language.

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Subject document was initially prepared and subsequently released to explain all interested readers the way how exactly the global unionism in the shipping industry did appear. Nathan Lillie - the author - argues that the industrial nature of shipping and, particularly, the inter-connected structure of the associated production chains did facilitate the total globalization of union bargaining, together with the trans-nationalization of the union structures.

And this has resulted in the global institutions of the collective bargaining as well as effective and active participation in regulatory politics. The present study uses a very broad variety of the reliable and well-respected sources plus effective analytical techniques, basing mainly on the numerous interviews made with several union officials plus other maritime industry people from the different countries.

The author of the title has combined the analytical traditions in international relations and industrial relations intending to demonstrate and explain how exactly the actors of industrial relations participate in global political arenas. Though the relationships existing there between the industrial relations and international areas might actually be a bit sharper and more obvious in shipping than elsewhere, subject interactions do have wide and, what shall be noted, constantly increasing importance in all other relevant sectors.

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One of the main objectives of the present document is to develop a fast and stable plus reasonably accurate method of numerical simulation in order to revisit and predict the flooding scenarios. The author, Henrin Dankowski, has performed a good professional comparison with the results obtained in the course of the standard benchmark tests and repeated investigation of three accidents, namely the Estonia, the Heraklion and the European Gateway, for validation purpose.

The aim of the method presented in this volume was to fill the gap that exists there between relatively simple evaluations of ship stability and more complex and time consuming methods of simulation of the seakeeping. Subject method has been implemented in the software environment E4 specifically developed for ship design. Subject environment is providing users with the direct access to the complete vessel data model and to the computational algorithms that have already been implemented.

Calculations of the damage stability of a vessel at early stages of the design are considered essential indication of the vessel's safety level to withstanding the water ingress. Several accidents that have occurred in the past are demonstrating how important it is to consider the intermediate stages of flooding process and not only looking at the resulting final stage.

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The present guidebook was prepared by the MarneInsight team to provide necessary technical guidance to ECA, i.e. Emission Control Areas, compliance for the ocean-going vessels. The content of the publication has been divided into six major chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the Annex VI to the MARPOL Convention and explains what the ECAs are.

The second chapter explains in detail how exactly vessels produce the nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide, i.e. NOx and SOx, emissions. The next chapter contains necessary precautions to be taken into consideration when you switch from HFO to LSFO, i.e. from heavy fuel oil to low-sulfur oil. This chapter is followed by the one providing all associated documentation, namely some important logs, record books and diesel engine technical files accompanying every engine installed on board. Finally, the sixth chapter of the booklet gives information about various methods that have been established to achieve compliance with the ECA requirements.

The information has been presented in a very understandable format making this book practical to everyone, but first of all, of course, it is aimed at the crew members and support personnel of the marine vessels directly involved in operation of the marine diesel engines and associated fuel oil supplies.

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