

Development of Marine Resources

Author(s) Andre Monaco, Patrick Prouzet
Publisher Wiley
Date 2014
Pages 242
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Size 5 Mb







The process of the exploitation of various marine resources, their recovery and economic networks generated by them have been duly addressed in this book from the perspective of continually growing environmental constraints, as well as the associated technical innovation and policy management. The latest developments in the field of marine biotechnology and marine renewable resources, show that man could develop new technologies services and property of the ocean through them.

But, the above stated resources for the development necessitates taking into consideration all technical and social plus also political aspects, and this would be the actual price of both sustainability and also development of the different coastal populations together with the economic sectors, facing with the major objectives of a so-called "blue growth" and reverting to the good state of environment. The book has four major chapters. The first chapter has been mainly dedicated to the general matters of fishing in the Mediterranean area, providing some historical background and also shedding some light on the associated technical changes. The second chapter is concentrating on the microalgae and biotechnology. In turn, the third chapter of the publication addresses the pharmacology of the reef marine organisms; Marine Renewable Energies. Last chapter of the volume is dealing with the marine renewable energies.

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