

A Master's Guide to Berthing

Author(s) Eric Murdoch BSc, MSc, C. Eng
Publisher The Standard Club
Date 2021
Pages 40
Format pdf
Size 6 Mb







The present publication belongs to the popular Master's Guide series by The Standard Club. Any ship handler shall have a clear understanding of what is actually happening with the ship under his command - not only that but also, and maybe more important - what will happen with the ship in a short time.

The proper knowledge of the theoretical basics will make it easier to identify the maneuvering characteristics of the ship and quickly evaluate the skills required to control the ship. Such knowledge is considered critically important in a harbor environment when the vessel encounters narrow channels, cross-winds, currents and close quarters situations. In fact, berthing shall be treated as the culmination moment of any voyage - this is the very moment when the ship is mating with a stationary and solid berth.

That is why it requires gentle and precise control which is demonstrated by the ship handlers in harbors all over the world every day. Most of the vessels dock safely most of the time, however the final outcome of the maneuver chosen and conducted by the ship handler is not always fully successful - this may eventually result in a ship demolishing jetties, hitting berths running aground and even colliding with other ships - and this actually happens at a really alarming frequency...

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