

Alert - Issue 34 - Habitability

Author(s) Alert
Publisher LR & The Nautical Institute
Date 2014
Pages 8
Format pdf
Size 2 Mb







This issue of Alert bulletin is devoted to the Habitability. The very first impression in most cases has a long lasting effect on any person joining a vessel, that is why provision of good accommodation facilities is very important, and this is what the present issue of Alert is focusing on.

The purpose of Reg. 3.1 of Title 3 of the MLC 2006 is to ensure that the accommodation facilities are safe and decent. In one of the previous issues of the bulletin and associated video the Habitability has already been addressed. It is very important that all working spaces on board vessel are clean, comfortable and convivial, since the vessel environment directly affect conditions in which crew members work and rest.

Therefore the vessel shall be designed and built with the seafarers in mind and it is truly incumbent upon operators to make all above stated arrangements complying with the established and acceptable standards for both workplace and habitability on board. Regular inspections shall be conducted by the Master of the vessel in order to ensure that the highest standards are complied with. In addition, the Master shall conduct all require follow-up actions to rectify any deficiencies...

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