

Boat Interior Construction

Author(s) Michael Naujok
Publisher Adlard Coles Nautical
Date 2002
Pages 176
Format pdf
Size 18 Mb







A truly great bestselling guidebook to DIY interior boatbuilding. The volume has already been very well met by the boat owners who were not fully happy with the arrangement and layout of their boats and/or wanted to fit out completely renovated hull. The author has clearly explained every single detail and illustrated the content with numerous step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow even for the beginner.

All of the procedures and techniques addressed in the pages of this publication would normally be applicable to all types and sizes of boats. The huge practical experience of the author allowed him to produce one of the best guides on boat interiors. The volume includes more than four hundred color images. The boaters from different parts of the world have all found this book perfectly researched and remarkably informative owing to the nice illustrations supplementing excellent explanations.

One will definitely find so many ideas that will not be technically complicated and may be used by any boat owner. The book will be particularly appreciated by the owners willing to refit their boats from the complete scratch. What they shall do is just to read carefully and follow all instructions provided by the author.

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