

Book of the Titanic

Author(s) Beau Riffenburgh
Publisher Imagine Publishing Ltd.
Date 2014
Pages 178
Format pdf
Size 25 Mb







Well, it is true that maybe no vessel in history has ever managed to engender such remarkably continued fascination as the world famous Titanic of the White Star Line. The Titanic used to be literally the largest of the man-made objects ever to move at the time of the delivery in 1911. The ship was built at Harland & Wolff's ship construction yard in Belfast. Everything about Titanic was truly impressive.

And, though the design of the ship and all workmanship applied at the time of design and construction made her branded as "unsinkable ship", we all know what did happen. The content of the present publication provides the information about this liner, which may be quite difficult to be found in any other publication, and this approach has gained popularity to this volume.

We would recommend this publication not only to the marine enthusiasts and lovers of the nautical history and story of Titanic but to the general reader and also to the ship designers and naval architects who may wish to check different opinions on the design and construction features of the ship. Such experience has resulted in many lessons learned which should all be reviewed by the specialists. The readers from different parts of the world have already appreciated the book and found it very interesting and deserving attention.

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