

Branchs Elements of Shipping

Author(s) Alan Edward Branch, Michael Robarts
Publisher Routledge
Date 2014
Pages 526
Format pdf
Size 6 Mb







Since the time of its original publication which was 1964, the present book has become one of the market leaders and is still there among the most popular publication o the shipping industry. And here is the ninth release of this book, with its content significantly revised and updated in order to be in line with so many important changes that have occurred in the maritime industry in the very recent time, i.e. since the time of the previous release of the book.

The authors have covered the impact that the world economic crisis had on the shipping industry, the expansion of the Panama Canal and newly implemented legislation. All of the information and data tables have been updated and also there are so many new illustrations. The publication explains the fundamental elements of shipping in a very professional manner; the issues covered in the pages of the volume cover the operational and commercial points, legal and commercial consideration, actually everything is covered including the logistical, technical and even financial and managerial matters.

What it means if that the present book will be of great practical use for everyone, because every person engaged in the maritime industry will find something useful, does not matter whether he or she is a technical person or seafarer or shore-based employee. The authors have also explored how exactly the maritime markets behave and have provided a good overview of the international sea ports and shipping industry in general.

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