Class Rules & Guides


This publication contains the Guidelines were released by the Russian Register class society and shall be followed by the people implementing the MLC 2006 provisions. The content of the guidebook was designed to provide all required assistance to the shipping companies during the preparation for the MLC inspections and certifications of their ships.

The document is opening with the useful information on the application scope, followed by the definitions and list of normative references. Then, the main terms and abbreviations together with the definitions used throughout the document, have been listed and duly explained. The main body of the present volume contains the text of the MLC 2006 Convention supplemented with the informative and valuable commentaries.

This part includes the introductory information for the newcomers, articles of the Convention, and Regulations and Code. In short, we would say that this is an excellent and very useful publication which shall definitely be possessed by those directly engaged in MLC certification of the process, including all stages from preparation to the issuance of the final certificate. This is the valid latest edition.

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The volume was specifically developed by the specialists of Russian Register to provide the industry with the recommendations pertaining to the CAP, standing for the condition assessment program. The content was prepared on the basis of the extensive experience of the subject class society in the implementation of this program.

The requirements of the oil companies being consumers of the CAP services that are provided by the Russian Register have also been considered in this volume establishing the procedure and relevant performance criteria together with the scope of the program. The intro part of the volume contains terms and abbreviations used in the text, and list of reference normative documents.

The main part of the Recommendations is divided in several chapters covering the general provisions, execution of the CAP operations, conditions rating scale, CAP surveys and reporting, analysis of the ship hull strength etc. Two appendices provide supplementary information on the required format of information submitted on the repairs for the final CAP reporting, and list of the information that is submitted to the owner of the vessel. The latest release of the document.

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The present officially released DNV GL standard will apply to the sailing yachts constructed compliant with the requirements normally applicable to TP52 class yachts under the assumption that subject yachts are employed only under the conditions they were designed and constructed for. The content of the standard is arranged in three main chapters.

The first chapter with general requirements covers the scope and application of the document, certification matters and definitions used. The second chapter of the document is dealing with the design loads including general considerations, hull design pressures and design loads acting on the keel and its attachments, together with the rudder design loads.

The last third part of the publication addresses the design and scantling determination issues. This includes composite structures and main principles for their design. The document will be of practical us not only to the DNV GL class inspectors but also to any other person engaged in the design and construction of such yachts taking into account the information it provides to the readers. Save a copy for yourself in case you get interested with this area of ship design and construction.

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The present recommended practice is devoted to the technical documentation related to the various subsea projects. The standards applicable to the industry define the specifications that describe the documentation requirements that commonly apply to the field development quite loosely. That is why the operators that work together with the suppliers tend to create their own requirements, in many cases containing different content, structure, data definition and scope.

The aim of the present document was to duly facilitate the process of standardization of the applicable technical documentation that is required for the subsea field development projects. The document is covering the documentation normally generated in the procurement, engineering and construction phases of the project.

It is also listing the project documentation relating to the operational phase as applicable to the various equipment and systems. The publication also details the essential documentation with the purpose to reduce the overall volume of the documents being transferred between all parties involved. Four main chapters of the volume cover general provisions, document management, work process and required documentation.

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This DNV GL standard was released to apply to all sea-going vessels classed by this Society. As it is implied by the title of this regulatory document, it covers the tall ship rigs. The material has been divided into six sections. The first section defines the scope of the document and its applicability.

The second section is devoted to the certification and verification systematics including the applicable procedure and documentation requirements together with the issuance of the certificate/statement of compliance, while the third section addresses the definitions used throughout the text of the document and provides their explanations.

The next section is covering the dimensioning of the masts, topmasts, bowsprits and booms. The fifth section is dealing with the standing rigging. The last sixth section of the booklet provides information related to the interchangeable and non-changeable components, running rigging, spare parts and other supplementary information.

In fact, the provisions contained in the pages of this standard may be useful for familiarization even to the people working on the vessels classed by any other classification society taking into account that the basics remain unchanged.

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The present Recommended Practice was released to provide applicable criteria as well as technical requirements and necessary guidance related to the quality management of the steel forgings that are applied for subsea construction. The content of the document is actually intended for general application worldwide. Note that the various governmental regulations might include some additional requirements.

The recommended practice will provide international and harmonized standard for the quality management as mentioned above, reduced lead time and increased confidence, improved stock keeping of the steel forgings and their interchangeability. Another aim is to simplify the whole process of the quality management and also avoid duplication of the associated activities.

The document will serve as a sort of contractual reference document. The material of the document is arranged in five major sections covering the general information, requirements applicable to the qualifying companies/personnel, qualification of the manufacturers, production of steel forgings and procedure qualification. There are numerous appendices with some additional information.

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The present DNV GL standard was developed to provide technical requirements applicable to the certification and verification of shipboard cargo gear used for handling loads both outside and within ships while in sheltered waters or at sea or in the harbor. The content of the document is covering the design of the lifting appliances and materials used for their construction, installation of the cargo gear, their testing and commissioning.

All lifting appliances have been categorized based on their installation and function - there are shipboard and industrial lifting appliances. The main intended purpose of the lifting appliance will be defining the applicable category and standards. Note that the requirements provided in the pages of this document are minimum requirements that shall be satisfied; however, subject to acceptance by this Class Society, other minimum requirements may be developed based on the new technologies and their application agreed.

The material of the document is arranged in several sections covering documentation and certification requirements, cranes and their supporting structures, mechanical parts of the cargo gear, loose gear, electrical equipment, principles of design and calculation, testing of the cranes, their examination and other important matters.

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The present standard was released by DNV GL to provide requirements for certification/verification of the lifting appliances that are intended for handling loads outside ships at sea and on board ships and offshore installations. The document is covering the design and materials, fabrication and installation, testing and commissioning of the offshore and platform lifting gear.

The book starts with the general information on the lifting appliances and their categorization, followed by the section addressing documentation and certification of cranes. The structural design and strength issues have been dealt with in a separate section.

The main part of the document covers safety matters and equipment, offshore and platform cranes, subsea operations, lifting of personnel, LARS, i.e. launch and recovery systems for ROV and diving, testing requirements and other information.

There are several appendices providing additional information, such as marking of the single sheave crane blocks, instruction on the examination of the skids and pad eyes, wind loads to be considered, verification guidelines for safety functions, lifting gear register form, certificate forms etc.

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