

Complete Electronics - Self-Teaching Guide

Author(s) Earl Boysen, Harry Kybett
Publisher Wiley
Date 2012
Pages 576
Format pdf
Size 11 Mb







The present latest edition of the Guide is a truly great one for beginners; it has been developed for anyone having some basic understanding of electronics concepts and wishing to get some more better understanding of the operation of various electrical components. It shall be noted that this publication has served as a classic text for the electronics enthusiasts for more than thirty years and, at the same time, remains actual and useful even today.

This release has been thoroughly revised and updated to make sure that all today's technological developments have been taken into account. The information in the book covers nearly all aspects of electronics and is presented in a very easy-to-understand and user-friendly manner. According to the reviews, this is one of the best electronics books available at the market today.

The learning material has been presented in a very understandable manner. there are so many lab exercises and studies for better understanding of the theory. It shall definitely be treated as the all-in-one reference source providing an excellent overview of electronics that people can easily understand without any further instruction. The main focus has been made on discrete electronics; the operational amplifiers have also been covered.

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