

dangerous goods at sea

Format mp4
Duration 23+20 min
Size 266+237 Mb 

D O W N L O A D - P A R T 1

D O W N L O A D - P A R T 2






More than fifty years ago, namely in 1965 the IMO, i.e. International Maritime Organization, adopted the first original version of the IMDG Code to reflect the UN recommendations on the transportation of dangerous goods to the extent they were considered applicable to shipping.

Since then, ships have carried dangerous goods safely, day after day, week after week, and those people managing that transport from manufacturer to end user have complied with the IMDG Code with safety and efficiency. Consequently, the number of emergency incidents arising from carriage of dangerous goods by sea, has greatly reduced.

The present training pack consists of two video films prepared by the world recognized Videotel specialists whose original intention was to provide the shipping industry with the information to be learned and clearly understood by all people involved in marine transportation of various dangerous goods, in fact regardless of their position on board and their involvement in the process.

The films cover literally everything the crew members and other persons engaged in transportation should be well aware of in order to provide safe and efficient transportation of the dangerous cargo. Wherever safety is involved, the maximum care shall be taken and maximum knowledge of the process shall be there...

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