

ECDIS Video Guides - eGlobe G2

Format mp4
Duration var.
Size 538 Mb





The main purpose of the present guide accompanied with the video lessons is to provide the end-users of the ECDIS system developed and presented by eGlobe with the valuable equipment-specific technical information which will definitely help them to manage the AVCS ENC. The guide will be best when used together with the operators manual or any other document provided by the manufacturer of the equipment.

Traditionally, the user guide is made of several chapters each dealing with some particular aspect of using the ECDIS, and there is a good video lesson supplementing the content of each chapter and giving some visual aid for better understanding. The eGlobe G2 system would normally work with different hardware combinations, for example a touchscreen or non-touchscreen. The present guide is primarily aimed at the eGlobe G2 version featuring touchscreen option. It should be noted that a dongle with the license key is not required in this system unlike many other systems.

The training videos will provide you with the step-by-step instructions making it easy to use the system. In addition to the coverage of the installation matters, two closing chapters of the guidebook are dealing with the system checks and troubleshooting. These two will be particularly useful to the persons engaged in the day to day operation of the system and maintaining it in a good working order at all times.

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