

Electrical Safety Handbook

Author(s) John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer
Publisher McGraw-Hill
Date 2012
Pages 704
Format pdf
Size 11.8 Mb







In the present latest release of the electrical safety handbook the team of the well respected and recognized authors did a perfect job and brought together nearly all important aspects of the electrical safety. The book covers all major standards relating to the electricity including but not limited to NESC, NFPA, NEC, OSHA, IEEE 1584, 70E. It is a very practical and nicely illustrated source of lifesaving info specifically designed for work environments.

The guide mainly is intended to provide the readers with the up-to-date and actual strategies of the electrical safety to be uses in various commercial/industrial and other electrical systems in a very understandable and easy-to-follow format. The publication has been prepared by the experts in operation, construction, engineering, maintenance and, of course, safety of electrical equipment and systems and delivers necessary details on the electrical hazards, associated safety equipment, procedures and methods, safe maintenance of the electrical equipment, accident prevention and investigation, rescue, first aid, bounding and grounding, low-, medium- and high- voltage safety management, safety training, relevant safety standards, guidelines and requirements etc. We would definitely consider this publication to be a sort of safety resource that anyone dealing with the electrical safety must possess.​

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