

Falconers Marine Dictionary

Author(s) William Falconer, William Burney
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Date 2012
Pages 862
Format pdf
Size 216 Mb







Well, this one is a rarity - the purely classic universal dictionary of the maritime terminology which is a thorough explanation of the various technical phrases/terms usually employed in the fields of construction, machinery, equipment, movements, military, and naval operations of marine vessels, together with such parts of navigation and astronomy science, as will be considered very useful to practical navigators.

The subject book is illustrated with a variety of contemporary designs in shipping, supplemented with separate views of the sails, masts, rigging, etc. In fact, this vocabulary of french sea phrases was collected from the very best authorities, and it was originally compiled by William Falconer, who is the author of the famous "Shipwreck", now much enlarged and modernized by William Burney.

This comprehensive marine terminology dictionary was first released more than two centuries ago, in 1813, and was initially designed as a reference source to be used by ship navigators, naval architects and shipbuilders. Nearly eight hundred pages provide valuable technical data related to the ship construction, ship navigation, legal and historical info, weaponry etc., supplemented with the informative illustrations and tables providing additional data.

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