

Fundamentals of Air Pollution

Author(s) Richard W. Boubel, Daniel Vallero
Publisher Academic Press
Date 1994
Pages 574
Format pdf
Size 18.2 Mb







Here is the latest edition of the popular and premier air pollution book - it was completely revised by the team of author and now includes many new components. This textbook covers the wide range of topics that er relating to the study of the air pollution; in addition to that, there are some new chapters included in the book covering the atmospheric emissions and long term effects of the pollution.

The authors of the book also present the updated info on acidic development, mathematical modeling, long distance transport etc. It is a perfect compendium for every person involved, either directly or not directly, in making serious decisions in conjunction with the air pollution prevention and control. It will be useful even for non-specialists since they will find very concise and technically correct answers to the most difficult problems. We would say that the book presents a thorough multi-disciplinary overview of all the aspects that are relating to the air pollution - it will also be very interesting for people willing to know a bit more about the subject topic in general.

Written by the recognized industry experts, this textbook is a truly outstanding place to start learning about pollution topics and their relations to the other problems. The material has been presented in a very easy to read manner making the book very handy and helpful for everyone, not only to specialists.

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