

Hydrodynamics Of Ship Propellers

Author(s) John P. Breslin, Poul Andersen
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Date 1996
Pages 560
Format pdf
Size 10 Mb







The publication is primarily dealing with the flows over the ship propellers that operate behind vessels, together with the forces and movements generated by the propellers on the ship's hull and shafting. An excellent presentation of all complex technical concepts related to the subject. This book is a remarkably useful encyclopedic resource. It is reflecting the results of the work conducted by many researchers in the field and their professional experience collected during last sixty years.

For easier understanding, all mathematical derivations and concepts have all been explained in detail. The main content of the book has been divided in two parts. The first part the subject of the book has been outlines with the comprehensive practical applications to the representation of the performance of the hydrofoils, both with and without cavitation as well as propellers and wings. The second part of the volume is addressing the unsteady forces acting on ship propellers in wakes using the lifting-surface theory together with the vibratory forces included by the ship propellers on the boundaries and hulls.

The last chapter of the book describes the rational procedure to optimize of the compound propulsors with the intention to increase the efficiency. This is one of the best deck references available for the research engineers as well as all other specialists and even students. 

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