IACS Publications


Another official publication developed and released by IACS - this one deals with the single deck container vessels constructed with the double side skin tanks, the passageways and double bottom in the area treated as the cargo space. These vessels are exclusively intended to transport containerized cargoes in their cargo holds as well as on the deck and on top of hatch covers.

The publication starts with the intro, followed by the chapter containing the applicable classification requirements for periodical surveys as well as damage/repair; the next chapter provides some necessary technical background that is to be possessed by the people conducting the surveys; then there is a chapter addressing the survey preparation/planning/execution matters. The book also provides the important information of the failures of the structural parts and instructions on the repairs to be done.

These Guidelines will be very useful for any surveyor performing the above mentioned surveys as well as to any ship owner, or operator, or even any crew member dealing with preparation of the vessel for class inspection and presenting all relevant items to the surveyor. The instructions provided in the book are really the ones to be followed in order to keep the ship safe.

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The present IACS Manual was prepared and officially released to the marine industry by IACS in order to provide people with the guidelines for bulk carriers with a single deck and single skin, with the double bottom, with hopper side and topside tanks. The vessels addressed by this Manual are primarily intended for the marine transportation of the dry cargo in bulk.

The authors of the book mostly focus on the survey procedures established by the classification societies forming the IACS, but it will also be very useful in connection with the examination schemes of any owners, ship operators, or regulatory bodies other than class. The publication includes a good review of the survey preparation instructions covering all relevant safety aspects in connection with the performance of the surveys, required access facilities, and preparation for surveys.

The guidelines encompass the main areas of the hull where the structural damages have been noted with the focus made on the key features of the structural items. Another feature of this book is that in includes a special section illustrating the examples of structural damage and deterioration and explains the possible causes and recommended repairs. The team of authors developed this publication using the best info available.

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This is the official IACS publication with quite self-explanatory title. These Rules are applicable to the oil tankers constructed with the double hull and with the length of 150 meters and more, that are classed with one of the IACS Members with the building contract date being on or after April 2006.

In case the vessel is smaller in length, individual Class Society's Rues are to apply. Same will be the case should the contract date be earlier than 1st of April, 2006. For structural areas not covered with these Rules, again same approach is to be used. The present publication consists of several sections providing the instructions for application as well as applicable requirements. The Appendices that are there at the end provide the acceptable procedures for the Rule-required structural analysis.

These Rules were developed with the objective to establish the requirements in order to reduce the structural failure risks and improve the safety of life and property, as well as to raise the level of the environment protection; in addition to that, one of the key purposes is to provide the adequate durability of the ship hull for the whole design life. The sub-sections contain the General Assumptions, Design Basis, Design Principles, and Application of the Design Principles...

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The officially release IACS Standard covering the ship building and ship repair quality requirements. The content is arranged in two parts, the first part concentrates on ship construction/repair quality standards applicable to the new construction projects, while the second part of the document focuses on the existing vessels.

The content of Part A is divided into nine major chapters; the first two chapters define the scope of the standard and provide the general technical requirements to be used for the new construction. The other chapters of the document address the qualification of the personnel performing the construction and/or repair works and procedures used when conducting the works, including welders and non-destructive evaluation operators, materials used for fabrication of the structural members, including surface conditions and thickness tolerances, gas cutting issues, fabrication and fairness, covering the flanged structural elements, bulkheads (including corrugated ones) shapes, block assembly, heating temperatures, plating fairness with and between the frames, pre-heating and other associated techniques, alignment matters, welding - typical butt and fillet welds. geometrical characteristics and quality of the welds, and repair works.

The layout of the Part B is more or less similar. In general, the requirements are presented in a form of the tables and illustrations making the understanding and following the standard much easier...

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Nowadays, the tough conditions that are there at the market, are dictating the very intense operational demands on more than four-and-half thousand bulk carriers transporting nearly 30% of all of the world ocean cargoes. The cargoes having high density and weight - like coal or mineral ores - add some physical demands of the structures of the vessels, with particular focus made on their cargo hold areas.

For sure, the bulk carriers shall be handled with the extreme care both at sea and in the port. Ship's officers, stevedores bearing the responsibility for the cargo operations, as well as other involved parties, are the key ship safety partners since the lives of the seafarers depends on how careful the cargo is handled. Taking that into account, we understand how vital the proper ship-to-shore planning, exchange of information and good communication can be.

The present research conducted by IACS shows the readers that improper handling of high-density and heavy cargoes in the course of the loading/discharge may easily cause excessive stress which, in turn, may result in the physical damage to the ship's cargo holds and bulkheads. In the future, it may threaten the structural safety margins when the vessel is at sea during the severe weather condition.

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