

Introduction to Pipe Stress Analysis

Author(s) Sam Kannappan, P. E.
Publisher Wiley
Date 1986
Pages 245
Format pdf
Size 22 Mb







Another excellent reference source dealing with piping design and construction; according to what was declared by the author of this volume, his initial objective was actually to introduce a completely new practical approach that could be effectively applied to the process of analytical design of the piping.

The book was intended to be used by the practicing engineers in the industry as well as by the students in the fields relating to the piping design. It shall be noted that, in order to be able to use and get the benefit of all training material contained in the book the readers are expected to possess some basic knowledge of the applied mechanics and also the basics of the materials strength. The publication contains numerous informative illustrations, code equations, data tables, some real life examples plus other supplementary material have been included by the author to make the understanding of the theory much easier and the reading of this book much more interesting. At the end of the each chapter there are some exercises and references.

The book has been arranged in ten major chapters dealing with the pipe strength analysis, pressure component design, ANSI and ASME Codes, calculation of the pipe span, expansion joints and loops, flanged piping joints, piping connected to rotating/nonrotating equipment, some special topics and even nuclear components and associated Code.

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