

Laytime and Demurrage

Author(s) John Schofielf
Publisher Informa Law from Routledge
Date 2011
Pages 544
Format pdf
Size 2 Mb







The present seventh edition of the volume shall be deservedly treated as one of the best publications on laytime and demurrage available today; it will answer all the questions related to this aspect of the maritime law. Since the release of the original edition of the book in 1986, it continues to offer readers the authoritative, reliable and professional in-depth analysis of these queries.

The book has gained the worldwide popularity because of the unrivalled coverage of the aspects and very lucid style of writing used by the author; it will provide a remarkably comprehensive overview of all sides of laytime and demurrage. The author has traced the law development from the very beginning back in XIX century up to the present day, delivering a thorough analysis of the laytime clauses, covering both fixed and customary ones as well as the rules governing the laytime commencement and discussing the circumstances under which the laytime could get suspended.

The author has also performed the analysis of the demurrage rules together with the important issue like detention and dispatch. The book may be used by the maritime professionals, ship owners, arbitrators, charterers, and legal professionals as the practical guide.

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