

Managing Drilling Operations

Author(s) Ken Fraser, Jim Peden
Publisher Elsevier
Date 1991
Pages 249
Format pdf
Size 39 Mb







One of the best and most comprehensive publications devoted to the organization and performing drilling operations. The authors of the volume have covered absolutely all technologies commonly involved in the drilling process.

As a result, this document covers the general operational matters of the oil and gas well drilling; in addition to that, they have also tackled not so obvious but equally important aspects of drilling operations, such as the optimization, contingency planning, troubleshooting and problem-solving, and even economics.

One separate chapter has been dedicated to the DPD, standing for the Drilling Policy Document, which shall be used by the operating companies as the back-bone for their drilling operations.

The whole process of selection and acceptance of the drilling rigs has been discussed; finally, both land and offshore drilling operations have been broken down into parts presented as a flow chart. Assumption is made that the readers of the volume are familiar with the basic drilling equipment and technologies involved.

It is a really indispensable training publication for all employees of the drilling industry from the newcomers and trainees to the practicing drilling engineers.

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