

Marine Electrical Practice

Author(s) G. O. Watson
Publisher Butterworth-Heinemann
Date 1990
Pages 300
Format pdf
Size 8.8 Mb







The sixth edition of the Marine Electrical Practice book belonging to the famous and popular Marine Engineering series. Nowadays, marine engineering includes offshore engineering in addition to the traditional sea-going vessels. The industry professionals usually accept that the electrical apparatus that are manufactured to be used on shore are usually not suitable for use offshore due to the climatic condition, continuous motion and vibration, temperature and other very important factors that might affect the safe and effective operation of the equipment.

In most of the cases the electrical apparatus at shore are not operated day-and-night or even for too long periods and at constantly high loads. With regard to the marine and/or offshore use of the equipment, there are two considerations in its selection and subsequent installation on board the vessel or offshore unit - the reliability of the equipment and freedom of such equipment from the fire risks.

These conditions would require a perfect installation with best available materials as well as the outstanding workmanship, operation and maintenance after installation. The chapters of this book are dealing with the factors that usually contribute to the requirements stated above and shall be considered by the marine engineers and electrical officers...  

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