

marine physics

Author(s) Jerzy Dera
Publisher Elsevier
Date 1992
Pages 516
Format pdf
Size 9 Mb







The technology and science of today equips us with increasingly complex methods of studying the ocean. The intention of the person who wrote this book was to introduce readers to the contemporary problems of marine physics and to explain all mechanisms of the fundamental physical processes happening in the sea together with their inter-relationships. The purpose was to enable the readers to embark on a further study of marine physics.

The author has made an attempt to produce a proper synthesis of the results obtained in the course of the latest researches in the field of marine physics, while maintaining the manageable size of the publication. The text part of the volume has been limited to a discussion of the physical properties of the seawater, thermodynamical processes that occur in the sea, as well as the transfer of sound waves and sun light in the sea, mass exchanges, air-sea interaction and other critically important matters.

All classic problems have been covered within this book, such as sea waves, currents and tides; however, if you want to get the detailed information on these, you would better refer to the numerous relevant textbooks that are available. The volume will definitely be of service to a broad range of interested readers...

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