Naval Architecture


This is a very useful and informative video showing the basics of the stability of fishing vessels. The film starts with some intro by its author... I learned how to fish from my father who, in turn, learned it from my grandfather. I have been fishing for thirty years and have experience of worst conditions at sea...

Fishing is deservedly considered one of the most hazardous occupations in the world with more than twenty five thousand fatalities taking place every year. In fact, it is roughly estimated that in some areas the capsizing of fishing ships accounts for a half of all fatalities. This situation, however, can be remedied.

The skippers, and their crews, and owners of the fishing vessel with the assistance of professionals, such as the naval architects and boat builders, can act together in order to make sure that the due safety of their fishing vessel has been provided. At the very heart of fishing vessel's safety is the concept of fishing vessel's stability.

That is why we would particularly recommend this video not only to the ship designers and shipbuilders but also to the crew members of the fishing vessels, ship owners, operators and all others engaged in provision of the safe operation of the vessel.

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As every student of naval architecture knows from the course, the "Plimsoll Line" is a special mark placed on a side shell of a ship indicating to what level the ship can legally be loaded to ensure safe sailing. It is clear that different ships have different levels at which they float, therefore the location of the Plimsoll line will be different from one vessel to another, depending on the type of the vessel or boat.

It should also be noted that the level the line is marked at will also be changing according to the season and the water the vessel is sailing in, i.e. fresh or salt water. Watch this short introductory video and you will supplement your theoretical knowledge of the load lines with some visual information which will help you to understand the subject much better and share with others.

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The present short educational video was produced with the intention to get the students familiarized with the most important terminology which is commonly used to describe the hull of a ship. The four terms to start with are fairly basic.

"Depth" is the height of a ship's hull measured from the highest point of the ship's main deck to the lowest point of the hull. If you measure in the other direction, you will get the ships "Beam", or "Breadth", which is the width at the ship's widest point.

The "Centerline" is the vertical plane running the whole length of the vessel at the midpoint of the beam, while the "Baseline" is the horizontal plane which is perpendicular to the centerline located at the lowest point of the hull...

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In this training video I am going to have a discussion with you about the FWA, which stands for the Fresh Water Allowance. Well, to understand Fresh Water Allowance, let us first understand the purpose of Load Line. Vessel is loaded up to the required permissible load line to avoid overloading.

There are various states of load line which will also be discussed a bit later. So, the vessel is having the supposed required permissible load line and is floating in fresh water. However, let us ship this water into the salt water. Now, let us discuss about density, also.

The relative density of the fresh water is 1, which simply means that density of it is 1 ton per cubic meter, while the salt water's relative density is 1.025 which means that the salt waters density is 1.025 t/cub.m...

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Here is quite short but very informative and interesting video lecture giving the basic understanding of of the DWA. First, let me define what is the deck water. We are well aware of the fact that the density of the fresh water equals 1.000 t/cub.m., or we may also say that the relative density of the fresh water is 1. The sea water is having the density of approximately 1.025 t/cub.m., and therefore relative density of the salt water is 1.25.

Any water which lies somewhere between the two above mentioned limits, is commonly called Dock Water. And now we will try and understand subject concept... In short, a good one to refresh your knowledge of you are professional in the industry or learn something if you are a newcomer.

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Video training file prepared by Rajiv Gandhi from the UKT, standing for the University of Knowledge Technologies, who has prepared the content of this video and is explaining the very basics of the Buoyance and Metacentric Height - what they are, how they can be determined and evaluated etc.

It will be very useful for students or any persons studying the naval architecture and ship stability as the clear knowledge and deep understanding of these fundamental issues are of truly utmost importance. Note that the present video is also addressing the conditions of stability.

An excellent explanatory video particularly recommended to be used as the supplementary material when teaching the basics of the naval architecture starting from the fundamental definitions.

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