

Seafarers - Fighting Sail

Author(s) A. B.C. Whipple
Publisher Time-Life Books
Date 1978
Pages 190
Format pdf
Size 30 Mb







A nice book with the content expected to be of great interest to all historians as well as true enthusiasts of the naval history, covering the time period from 1700's to 1800's including the famous Trafalgar battle. This is the absolute must-have to all lovers of maritime and especially naval history.

The publication has been mainly dedicated to the Royal Navy of Great Britain and French Navy fleet, covering the critically important and influencing developments in the fields of ship construction and tactics, ordnance and training of the people on board; note that the author has paid particular attention to the key personalities and characters of the naval history of those times and key naval battles.

The content of the book and they way in which the material has been presented, make it very useful and fascinating even to the people without academic background in history. In fact, it has already been found to be one of the most successful book among the non-technical books covering the frigates.

The text of this publication has been very well and informatively illustrated. A great volume for the people looking for a book addressing the frigates, particularly ones of the United States Navy fleet. Have a look into this perfect title and we promise that you will learn so much of interesting facts about one of the most important pages in naval history.

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