

Sensors and Transducers

Author(s) Ian R. Sinclair
Publisher Newnes
Date 2001
Pages 320
Format pdf
Size 1 Mb







Here is one of the best available publications on sensors and transducers available at the market today. The present volume by Ian Sinclair was written to provide students, system designers and practicing technician engineers with the set of practical know-hows to be applied in their works. the author focuses on better understanding of the technology together with the practical application with not too much of mathematics.

His efforts have finally resulted in this highly readable and reader friendly textbook giving a truly unique introduction to both selection of the switches, transducers and sensors, and their practical application. Among the devices covered in the pages of this publication are heat and motion sensors, light sensors, non-signal switches and many others commo0nly used in various industries.

The readers have already appreciated the huge amount of useful information included by the author and perfect style of explanation; there are numerous data tables and informative diagrams contained in the book, making understanding of the subject even easier. The content of the publication will be particularly useful to less experienced people who can use it as an excellent introductory title.

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