Shipping Industry


The present volume by John Wilson is deservedly considered one of the most definitive guides covering virtually all aspects of this critical area of International Trade Law. The title proved its usefulness and was relied upon by several generations of law students and practicing lawyers.

Remaining the market leading text, the publication is now renowned with the purpose to combine a thorough examination and critical analysis of all law aspects that relate to the maritime transportation of cargo. The volume will be perfect when used as the reference book and training manual for the people starting their deep dive into the UK Shipping Law. It shall be recommended to all people with the interest in the shipping law, particularly in maritime transport.

The sixteen sections of the book provide invaluable insight into such important areas of the maritime shipping as contract of affreightment and implied obligations, time and voyage charter parties, bill of lading, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Hague-Visby Rules together with the application of the latter, freight, limitation of liability etc. Note also that there are more than twenty appendixes to the main text of the book, providing necessary supplementary information, data, documents etc.

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Nowadays, talking of the maritime industry, we consider the innovation as one of the factors enabling the competitive advantage in the business of shipping. The increasing number of entities focus on doing their best to satisfy the demands of their consumers in terms of both qualitative and innovative products and provided services. This is mainly done through the application of the innovative methods to the supply chains, which, in turn, can be done by either technology- or non-technology-based methods.

The present volume contains a perfect collection of the works by the industry professionals, contributing to the above stated research fields, covering the methods and solutions, including the practices applied for the supply chain management. Among the topics addressed in this book there are the open service innovations as applied to the logistics, accelerating the innovation uptake, info flow analysis, computing dynamic routes, required security measures, problems associated with problems of the finite-time horizon logistics, critical success factors, control and monitoring, firm effectiveness and so many others.

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The author of this nice title discusses how the shipping companies of Norway managed to play a truly key role in the global maritime shipping industry of the past century, becoming one of the major players on the market. Just imagine, at times their ships carried more than 10% of the whole seaborne trade of the world! It is very interesting to read and understand what led Norway to that level of success and competitiveness, despite the usual highest cost of labor in the country, making it next to impossible to compete with others.

The market developments have been addressed by the author together with the effective business strategies; note that the political decisions were among the key factors, as well. The book opens with some brief background of the Norwegian shipping industry, followed with the step by step analysis and explanation of the main factors and decisions involved.

The priceless experience of one of the most successful countries is here to share so make sure you do read it and get some new perception. The title will of course be very valuable to the people interested in the shipping industry, global trends and markets, as there will definitely find lots of useful info here.

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The present volume by John Wilson is deservedly considered one of the most definitive guides covering virtually all aspects of this critical area of International Trade Law. The title proved its usefulness and was relied upon by several generations of law students and practicing lawyers.

Remaining the market leading text, the publication is now renowned with the purpose to combine a thorough examination and critical analysis of all law aspects that relate to the maritime transportation of cargo. The volume will be perfect when used as the reference book and training manual for the people starting their deep dive into the UK Shipping Law. It shall be recommended to all people with the interest in the shipping law, particularly in maritime transport.

The sixteen sections of the book provide invaluable insight into such important areas of the maritime shipping as contract of affreightment and implied obligations, time and voyage charter parties, bill of lading, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Hague-Visby Rules together with the application of the latter, freight, limitation of liability etc. Note also that there are more than twenty appendixes to the main text of the book, providing necessary supplementary information, data, documents etc.

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Nowadays, all of the shipyards located in Europe are experiencing serious difficulties In connection with the constantly rising level of the competition affecting the market globally. The author of this volume has performed a perfect and thorough analysis of the situation, trying to investigate such critical areas as the cooperative activities of the market together with the expertise and available experiences.

The due attention was paid to the relationship existing there between the subject aspects as well as the capabilities that normally make the fundamentals of the technical competence of any shipbuilding and ship repair facility. The content of the book is made on the basis of the interviews conducted with more than twenty recognized industry professionals who agreed to share their valuable experience with the future readers.

The volume is arranged in three major parts, the first providing the general information on the shipbuilding industry of today, second one dealing with the commercial relevance of the associated services, and the closing part addressing the future location of the industry. In total, the volume will be of great interest to the people in the industry.

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The main intention of the author of this publication developed and officially released by the HSBA, standing for the Hamburg School of Business Administration, was to provide the shipping industry with the single source of reference on the subject matter.

The content of the document was built around the possible results of the autonomous shipping as well as the ongoing digitalization taking place within the today’s international maritime shipping industry, including both practical consequences of same, and the potential social impacts.

The idea was to give people a compact book that would serve as a good basic, something to start with, and with this knowledge they could get prepared for the further discussions. It should help interested readers to properly define the fundamental proceedings along with the other transformation of vessel operations, introduction of the ROCS, i.e. Remote Operating Centers, constantly increasing autonomy etc.

The text of the volume will let you better prepare to discuss the subject topics in a perfectly structured manner and having much better understanding of the material. Recommended to the people keeping themselves in line with the latest developments in the field of marine transportation.

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Nowadays, the maritime domain taken together with the sustainable energy is deservedly considered as the two major aspects, shaping the future of the mankind. Even though the maritime domain, mentioned above, is linked to the SES, standing for the sustainable energy securities, there are many areas that are traditionally discussed separately.

The idea of the author of this volume is to fill in the existing gap and present the integral view of the maritime dimension in the sustainable energy security. The publication covers the variety of different topics including the energy supply chains and protection of the supply lines, energy trade and markets, global system and many others.

The author has also concentrated on the energy resources available offshore, with the emphasis placed on both hydrocarbons widely developed today, and the marine renewable energy, gaining momentum. You will get to know how the reduction in the emission affects the maritime industry.

Although the title is aimed at the general reader, it will be useful for the students in any disciplines connected with the energy systems, sustainability, management etc., allowing them to get better understanding of the SES and maritime dimension, as well as their connection.

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Today, we can say that the international maritime shipping industry is at a crossroads. Back in 2018, IMO adopted the so-called Initial Strategy with the intention to get the greenhouse gas emissions half-reduced by 2050. In addition to that, the scene was set for the future happenings.

In this book, the author tries to take a cross-disciplinary look at the different dimensions of the sustainability problem of the modern maritime transportation industry, conducting the thorough review of the models for evaluating the major decisions and policy alternatives.

To get to the desired degree of sustainability, the wide range of different measures shall be implemented in order to attain the required environmental performance. The author has analyzed the competition distortions to find better solutions. In short, you will find all necessary information on sustainable shipping in this volume, providing the complete knowledge supplemented with the technical reports and statistical data as well as the scientific references.

The content of the volume is arranged in thirteen sections, starting with the introduction and greenship technologies, EEDI and ICT, oil pollution and ship recycling, sulphur emissions and speed optimization, and many other critically important aspects.

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