

Survival Series - Liferafts

Format avi
Duration 23 min
Size 177 Mb





Here is another part of the training series focusing on the important aspects of survival on board any vessel and reinforcing all seafarers as this training should supplement the survival manual of the ship. The content of the training is representing the up-to-date advice provided by the MCA and IMO organizations, detailing the procedures that shall be followed by the crew members and passengers if commercial and cargo ships.

They can be watched either individually or as a training set. This particular part of the training program is dealing with the liferafts. It demonstrates the proper methods to be used for launching both davit-launched and throw-over liferafts. The content of the video is also addressing the established and effective procedures for embarkation and launching these rafts from the vessel and will also show the trainees what to do for the most rapid deployment.

Three other parts of the training series address the lifeboats, mustering and survival & rescue. This training will be very useful and interesting for anyone working or planning to work at sea since it covers all important aspects of construction, operation, launching and maintenance of shipboard survival equipment.

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