

The Mooring Series

Author(s) George Bekes, Richard Hackett
Publisher Videotel
Date 2010
Pages 43
Format pdf
Size 2 Mb







This is another training set for the mariners. Here they will find brilliantly developed instructions on the proper mooring techniques. The training package consists of this booklet and three videos covering the theory of mooring, safe mooring practice, and maintenance of mooring systems. Of course, different ships have different mooring equipment installed on board, but the content of this package provides so-called best practice procedures for the safe mooring that would be applicable to the ships of any type.

Go through the material in the booklet very carefully and watch all three videos, and you will get to the better understanding of the difference between equipment, proper handling of the mooring operations, hazards commonly associated with carrying out mooring tasks etc. Pay particular attention to the case studies.

Effective and safe mooring operations require good understanding of the theory of mooring, starting with the forces that act on the ship and their application to the lines and mooring equipment. All of that information is presented in the booklet and videos in a very understandable format. Note that there are numerous test questions to track the progress of the students, and the assessment answers.

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