

World Port Index 2017

Author(s) NGA
Publisher CreateSpace
Date 2017
Pages 224
Format pdf
Size 4 Mb







This latest release of the World Port Index, i.e. Publication 150 traditionally provides all interested parties, and mariners in the first turn, with the locations and characteristics as well as the known facilities and available services of the major shipping ports of the world, together with the shipping facilities, oil terminals and other valuable information; the total number if the entries reaches sixty-four thousand.

As always, this release of the Publication cancels the previous one. The selection of the shipping places for the inclusion in the Index is based on the special criteria that have been established by the Agency. Note that they are not random choices. The information about each of the places has been supplemented with the sailing directions and charts, as applicable. The present release of the document includes all information that is currently available to the Agency as of the publishing date.

Taking into account a huge amount of the diversified information and data to be included in the single book, the authors has used some simple codes to indicate certain types of the information contained. All of those code symbols have been explained at the tops of the pages. Needless to say, this publication is there among the top important ones for all mariners regardless of their position.

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