

English for Mariners

Author(s) Tony Grice
Publisher Arbeitsbereich Linguistik
Date 2009
Pages 176
Format pdf
Size 31 Mb







Nowadays, the seamen transporting the world's international trade across the oceans, are presenting all nationalities and they are speaking hundreds of languages. Therefore, English competence is required for certification of the seafarers in most of the countries. In order for the seamen to work safely and efficiently in any position on board of the vessel operating at any part of the planet the knowledge of the general English may not be enough; the seafarers would better possess the specialized lexicon of professional terminology used during the routine operations on board ships.

This course has been specifically prepared bearing trainee seafarers in mind and that is why it does not assume that the readers have too deep knowledge of the maritime matters. The publication is supplemented with the glossary and background marine information together with the keys to all exercises. Topics covered within this book include ship handling, emergencies, navigation, meteorology, cargo handling.

The training materials are arranged in two courses at different levels - pre-intermediate and intermediate. Needless to say that the publication shall be considered must-have one for any person involved in marine communication.

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