

heavy weather sailing

Author(s) Kaines Adlard Coles
Publisher John De Graff, Inc.
Date 1968
Pages 304
Format pdf
Size 11 Mb







According to the numerous book reviews received from the readers, this volume shall be treated as the essential source of information for people willing to develop better offshore sailing knowledge and skills. The content has been revised and updated several times in order to cover more topics in a better way.

It is a real must-read one for those who are planning the extended sailing; however, since the information is presented in a very understandable way, the book will be appreciated by anyone with the interest in sailing. The book presents an excellent and perfectly compiled collection of the real-life stories about people encountering severe weather at sea. A great reference tool providing readers with lots of useful information.

In fact, this is a textbook on heavy weather sailing therefore any person planning blue water sailing shall definitely get a look in it and familiarize himself or herself with the content. There are many stories with the real life experiences supplemented with the detailed professional analysis of each event. We would absolutely recommend everyone to spend some time going through the pages of this book as it is contains something one can hardly find in any other publication.

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