

Hempel - Onboard Maintenance

Format mp4
Duration 15 min
Size 277 Mb





An excellent video produced by Hempel - one of the world leader in the field of coating and paint production. The widest range of coatings produced by the company feature easy application and cost effectiveness. This training video was prepared in order to provide ship crew members with required instruction on proper handling of the coating process.

The instructor will guide them through all factors that normally influence the lifetime of the shipboard protective coating systems intended to prevent the hull from corrosion. The good condition of the coating will ensure it effective work and eventually contribute in the overall effectiveness of ship operation. Noting that the time the crew may spend for the maintenance in port is continuously reduced due to the growing intensiveness of activities, it is becoming more and more important to increase their quality.

Any coating system will start deteriorating sooner or later and that is why a good maintenance system shall be established on board every ship. The crew members shall not only understand the importance of the proper and timely maintenance but also have a good knowledge of what, how and when shall be done to keep the vessel duly maintained.

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