

Inmarsat Maritime Communications Handbook

Author(s) Inmarsat Customer Services
Publisher Inmarsat Limited
Date 2002
Pages 233
Format pdf
Size 3 Mb







This is the fourth edition of the IMC Handbook, which has been revised to include new Inmarsat systems and operating procedures. The handbook has been prepared with the comilers intention to help Inmarsat users get the understanding of how teh subject system operates and how to get the most from it. The handbook is divided into chapters, which each cover a specific subject.

Chapter 1 introduces Inmarsat together with its satellite network, including a summary of the different systems of Inmarsat satcom. The chapter explains how calls are routed between the MES, i.e. mobile earth station and a subscriber connected to the public telecommunications networks. Since 1 February 1999 the GMDSS has become a mandatory requirement on all cargo ships of 300+ GT and all passenger vessels conducting the international voyages. Chapter 2 explains Inmarsats role within the GMDSS and Chapter 6 describes how the Inmarsat-C system is used for the distribution of MSI. Chapter 8 explains die operation of the Inmarsat EPIRB service. Inmarsat-E.

Chapter 3 describes the commissioning procedures through winch every MES must pass before it is allowed to access the network, whether it is a new installation or a modification. Together with Chapter 3. Chapter 4 explains the accounting, billing plus settlement process for Inmarsat-generated traffic for ship-to-shore/shore-to-ship calls. Chapters 5-10 explain in detail how exactly the different Inmarsat systems operate. They include operating guidelines and guidance on how best to operate an Inmarsat MES...

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