

Load Restraint Guide 2018

Author(s) NTC
Publisher National Transport Commission
Date 2018
Pages 290
Format pdf
Size 41 Mb







The present Guide is the document providing the information that is absolutely necessary to know by anyone dealing with handling cargoes. It starts with the introductory sections covering the load restraint principles together with the applicable performance standards.

The brief overview contained in the next section will let you understand why the load should be restrained at all, and will guide you through the legal obligations; the fundamental elements of the restraint system and methods of restraining loads have also been addressed here.

The main content of this Guide is arranged in six basic modules for easier reference, staring with the loads including large loads and general freight, scaffolding issues, livestock an bulk cargo, piping and bars, dangerous goods etc.

The second module is devoted to the vehicles and associated equipment - here the side gates and curtains, tarpaulins and barriers, racks and chains, webbing and container locks and many other topics are covered.

The rest of the modules are dealing with the certification of the load restraint systems, give valuable technical advice on the subject that would be particularly interesting to the designers and engineers, plus numerous working examples of tie-down and direct restrains as well as of the rated curtains.

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