Marine Science & Oceanography


The present Encyclopedia can definitely be treated as the most comprehensive and authoritative book on the ocean science of all those available today. This brilliant work was written by the recognized experts and features the valuable contributions from the world known scientists working in the field of marine science, and addresses all physical processes driving the oceans of the world together with the relevant disciplines.

In addition to that, the content of the volume also deals with the topics like global programs and ocean technology, as well as the marine policy and regulatory framework. The impact of the environment pollution is covered together with the climate change. The users will benefit from the easily arrange access to hundreds of interesting articles, cross-referenced and supplemented with the numerous photographs.

Each of the articles is devoted to one specific topic and is written in the way allowing undergraduates to follow the explanations. The active researchers and professionals in the field will appreciate the information on the very latest technical advances. The document will also be interesting to the non-professionals and general readership.

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The main idea of this publication is to link the environments of the South Pacific islands with the tropical cyclones in the region. It covers the climatology as well as the impacts of the tropical cyclones in the subject area. The author starts with describing the main characteristics of the cyclones and their behavior. In addition to that, the assessment of the outlook of the potential climate changes is provided.

Due attention has been paid by the author to the hydrological and also geomorphological responses – they are analyzed and explained in detail, with the numerous examples provided. The first three section of the book are dealing with the structure of the tropical cyclones, climatic influences, formation and development of the tropical storms on their early and mature stages, storm decay etc. after that, the patterns and behavior of the cyclones are addressed, together with the meteorological conditions, such as the low pressure, winds, sea flooding and others.

The impacts of the cyclones are covered in the second half of the publication, dealing with the mass movements, slope stability, coastal erosion and deposition, etc. – note that the theoretical information has been supplemented with the case studies.

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There are so many discussions today about the water availability and the future of this in light of the greenhouse effect. That is quite understandable, considering the critical importance of the water for the life and the actual existence of the mankind. What are the perspectives, what will happen in the future, will anything change or remain same?

Dozens of profound questions are to be addressed and answered by the governments of all countries, being treated as top priority. The proper and careful planning traditionally bases on the water supply estimation through application of the information contained in the historical precipitation data together with the projection of the future demands of the humans. The main challenge here is that the above mentioned historic data is subject to the changes due to the greenhouse effect.

The scientists involved in this issue are using the climate models when trying to forecast how exactly the availability of the water can change in the near and distant future. This Atlas will provide all necessary information and data in this regard, based on the IPCC AR 4 climate models, presented in the form of informative tables and diagrams, duly updated and ready for use at any time.

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The seas are commonly subjected to the pollution in different forms. In the text of the relevant UN Convention of 1982 the marine pollution has been defined as the one involving either direct or indirect introduction of pollutants resulting in the negative effects to marine life. The present volume contains the results of the scientific assessment of the pollution and covers the general marine pollution by both organic and inorganic pollutants.

The content was developed on the basis of the valuable contributions provided by the group of the recognized and experienced professionals in the field. Starting with the overview of the general marine pollution in the different ocean zones, the content then proceeds to the black tide issue, and oxygenation of the waters. After that, the causes and subsequent effects of the harmful blooms are dealt with.

Note that there is a separate color plate section providing the supplementary information in a very colorful and easy to understand way due to the illustrations. The volume will provide interested readers with the very latest research of the ocean pollution matters and as such will be useful to those dealing with the subject problem.

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The publication was released to present the ongoing trends in the scientific researches related to the underwater acoustic wave inverse/direct problems. We consider the "ocean-seabed" system an acoustic wave guide, and in fact this volume is the only one treating the inverse problems. The authors of the title treat the acoustic wave propagation for different seabed types and consider the direct/inverse problems in realistic environments of the ocean.

They have emphasized the computation of the Green's functions and have added some completely new material relating to the poro-elastic and elastic types of seabed. They have also addressed numerous areas of the practical interest mainly relating to the underwater acoustic imaging, covering the ecological cleanup and surveys, means of protection of the open-water harbours, proper maintenance of the offshore oil-and-gas enterprises, together with other relevant and important areas of concern. It shall be treated as an excellent math treatise.

The book will be very useful because of the information contained - note that the waveguide inversion problems are not actually addressed in too many reference books and this book is also intended to fill the gap in the information with this regard, with particular attention paid by the authors to the forward scattering problem.

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This publication was written to provide readers with the information related to storm risk assessment; the authors have focused on sandy and cliff coasts in connection with the sea level rise caused by the change in climate and also littoral transformation. The impacts of storms have been examined through the matrixes dealing with the various physical characteristics as well as the different ecological resources, in addition to the other factors concerned.

The methodology applied by the authors of this volume has been thoroughly described and also tested in relation to the coastal areas mentioned in the title, namely Cartagena, located in the Caribbean Sea, and Cadiz on the Atlantic coast. Both of these areas have been considered important due to the huge flow of tourists.

The chapters of the book are describing the above approach and exploring three main types of variables, namely ones that contribute to the erosion induced by storm, dynamic variables determining the resilience to the erosion, and, finally, the vulnerable targets that are normally arranged in three groups. The maps that are created on the basis of the approximation will be helpful when determining the causes as well as processes and potential consequences of the processes.

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The recent developments in the field of the offshore wind power engineering are one of the most important issues of today. It is driven mainly by the demand for the new efficient and eco-friendly sources of electrical power and the main idea is to avoid using fossil fuels. However, should the offshore generation of the electricity using wind turbine installations become a wide-spread reality; there will definitely be serious problems to overcome.

Among most critical aspects to considered there are reliability of such installations as well as their longevity and ready availability at the market. Then, we will need to pay close attention to the cost effectiveness that will be required in order to reach the above mentioned availability and longevity of the wind turbines forming an essential part of any wind energy installation, since it will play a critical role in improving the lifecycle costs of the turbine and eventually determine the future of this emerging sector of the energy industry. Due to the number of important areas covered in the pages of this publication it will be greatly appreciated by all people with the interest in the renewable energy, ecology and similar disciplines.

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One of the most interesting and historically valuable publications on marine science and meteorology, noting the original release date, which dates back as far as to the middle of the nineteenth century, this one shall definitely be treated as a piece of classics. The meteorology has always been considered a very complex subject. Though so many books have been issued for the past century on the meteorology, the mechanical theory of storms has only been addressed in only few of them.

However, taking into account the importance of this subject, it requires close attention, and this is what the idea of the author of this publication was. The main content of the volume is arranged in six sections. The first section introduces reader to the theory of navigation, dynamical law of equilibrium, formation of vortices, Hutton's theory, Redfield's theory, and other relevant topics.

The list of topics covered in the pages of this volume is too long to be presented in this short text, we just want to recommend this book to all people interested in this subject due to the truly impressive coverage of the topics combined with the detailed and clear explanations making the learning process easy.

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