Marine Science & Oceanography


This volume presented by Edward Carpenter and Douglas Capone is the result of their remarkable efforts in preparing the publication that would provide the industry with a single volume containing virtually all necessary technical info relating to the numerous aspects of the nitrogen cycle.

This publication is intended to present the results of the very latest technological advances and relevant researches conducted in the field of the ocean productivity, with particular emphasis being placed on the key role that the microbes play in the transformations of nitrogen, with excursion to the higher levels.

The main content of this volume is arranged in twenty-four chapters, starting with a brief general overview of both distribution and abundance of different nitrogen forms in various estuaries. This part of the publication provides readers with a thorough comparison of the cycling of nitrogen of various ecological systems within marine environment. The chemical distribution has been discussed there in the other chapter together with the methodology.

The book also covers the enzymology  of the starting steps of assimilation of the inorganic nitrogen. The closing chapter is mainly focusing on the application and philosophy of modeling treated as one of the investigative research methods in both open-ocean - and coastal environments...

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Today, we know that there is an incresingly high interest in the DOM, standing for the dissolved organic matter, and the reason is mostly because DOM plays one of the critically important roles in both global and oceanic cycling of carbon, which directly impacts weather.

The primary goal of professionals in the fields of oceanography and marine biogeochemistry over the past decades was to properly understand all underlying processes of occurring during the transformations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other major chemical elements in the ocean waters.

The publication is arranged in sixteen chapters containing nearly two hundred informative figures and data tables, valuable reports on the major technological advances in the subject area, made by a group of experienced and world recognized pros in oceanography. Moreover, in it focusing on the major role that DOM plays in elemental cycling, and this is actually the area with a great informational demand.

Denniss Hansell and Craig Carlson did a remarkably good job in covering, in a single volume, literally all important aspects of the biogeochemistry of marine DOM and also providing a truly comprehensive review and introducing all important key issues, that made the present title maybe the best and definitely most up-to-date of those available today.

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This valuable and informative plus interesting title presented today was prepared with the sole purpose to define the fundamental engineering principles relating to environmental reaction, for example design of the reactor, being applicable to the developing of the relevant processes that provide any environmental benefit.

Touching the matters of prevention of the pollution impacting the surrounding environment, the main accent was placed by Martin Abraham and Robert Hesketh - on newly presented technologies minimizing the production of various undesirable side products causing pollution; however, they have also considered the matters of application of the reaction engineering to the treatment of wastes commonly produced by other means.

The opening section of this title mainly concentrates on the environment-friendly combustion, with the three articles addressing the existing methods of reduction of the NOx and PAH formation and it also covers several combustion products sensitive to the environment.

The following section of the book includes a good collection of contributions involving the utilization of catalysts to support the reactions. Then, there section comes dedicated to the use of the fluid solvents. Remaining parts of the book contain numerous interesting documents, dealing with some novel reactor designs. ​

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You are strongly encouraged to have a close look at this third release of the bestseller written by one of the most recognized and respected experts, explaining how the professional weather forecasts should actually be combined with the self-assessment of the observed condition of the sky in order to get to a proper local coming weather forecast.

The publication is intended to serve as a basic guidebook describing the fundamentals of the process of forming weather, and it provides the readers with the knowledge and understanding of the process required for correct interpretations of the signs of the sky. The volume has been in wide use for more than a twenty years, and the success of the previous two editions made the author prepare a third one, featuring the significantly improved and thoroughly revised content.

The text now is even more reader friendly, and supplemented with the numerous images. The explanatory part has also been improved to meet the requirements of the readers. Note that the volume also deals with the newly introduced sources of weather info, such as the internet websites and applications that provide seamen with the forecasts. It is a truly perfect intro book for those willing to understand weather better.

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Today, the problem of ocean turbulence experiences so many different challenges since it is still in the process of development, being a relatively new study. The author of the present title made an effort to provide readers with the detailed and easily understandable description of the fundamental dynamic processes controlling the turbulence distribution as well as the spread of the kinetic energy.

In addition, the major effects that the subject dissipation has on dispersion of the heat and salinity of the ocean water, and many other effects. All of the processes dealt with by the author have been supplemented with the experiments conducted in the lab environment, as well as by the field observations.

All of these eventually resulted in a perfect reference source to be used by the seniors and graduates; however, the information contained herein will be valuable to the researchers who can use the volume for the general overview of the subject. Considering the way in which the material is presented, we could recommend the publication even to the broad readership, i.e. one does not have to be the professional in this field to be able to understand the content clearly and benefit from reading.

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This new book by Murry Salby was specifically written with the intention to provide all interested readers with an integrated treatment of all processes that control the Earth-Atmosphere system. The content of the volume has been developed on the basis of the initial principles through the proper balance of theory and possible applications. The book is built on the materials contained in the previous publication by the author, with its scope being significantly expanded to include the climate matters.

This is an excellent textbook for the intermediate level students and we would recommend it to be used as the reference source for both researchers and graduates - the text in the publication is supported with the problems and their solutions explained in detail. The volume will provide a conceptual and at the same time quantitative understanding of the various controlling influences, that are integrated via the theory and their applications.

The book was released to lead the readers through the development of the various physical processes shaping the weather, climate, and global energetics. There are several problems of different difficulty, presented at the end of the each chapter to develop the knowledge and quantitative application of the students; subject problems are supported by correct answers and solutions.

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Traditionally, water and air are so much familiar for all of us that anyone is expected to be well aware of everything related to them. However, we do understand the difficulty experienced when trying to make any prediction of the behavior of the air and water. The reason for that is that there are too many unanswered questions that seriously limit our knowledge of the subject.

We only have some general understanding of the processes causing the generation of the cyclones, tsunamis and all other phenomena. Is it possible to accurately predict the weather for tomorrow or for the next month at all? The present volume is intended to give some answers to the above questions through application of the newly introduced strategy when the one describes before he or she explains the matter.

The author starts considering the air and water at rest, or at the so-called equilibrium, and then moves towards the discussion on the various dynamic phenomena, emphasizing the larger scale structures. Most of those are covered in the volume, and then the author starts talking about the human-made structures, such as the marine ports and dams serving to make the water resources work for the human beings. More than one hundred of detailed pictures and several equations supplement the narrative text part.

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One of the main aims of the author in writing this relatively compact textbook was mainly to produce a good and understandable text that would be enhancing the natural enthusiasm of the students for the ocean. It was actually students' request for a readable, engaging, and thorough text that initiated the project a long time ago. Through the nearly thirty years the author has been writing textbooks, and his enthusiasm for oceanic knowledge has increased, forcing his reviewers and editors to weed out an excessive number of exclamations.

However, the enthusiasm does shine through... This clear and current book is considered one of the most popular and also deservedly recognized all around the world. This revision of the publication is including the updated info related to the problem of global warming, and the text of the book is supplemented with numerous informative illustrations. Increased emphasis has been made by the author on the inter-disciplinary idea of the marine science.

The author is bringing the focus to the excitement to the quite complex nature of the world ocean; in addition, he also addresses the interaction of the ocean with other systems. Definitely, this is one of the most important and must-have titles on the bookshelf of literally any oceanography and marine science student, professional or enthusiast.

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