

IMU-CET - Gateway to Maritime Education

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IMU-CET - Chemistry - Math - Physics

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The main idea of the current publication was to let readers get better understanding of the marine environments as well as of the behavior of the hydrocarbons once they have been released onto the ocean surface; it also explores the different methods of proper response to the oil spills. The author has made significant efforts to reflect all trends and relevant levels of the oilfield development.

The fast growth of the economy of the countries straight after the completion of the Second World War has eventually resulted in the rapid rise of the maritime transportation of the oil and other raw materials; the offshore activities has considerably increased, too, which, of course, has led to the significant number of accidents and incidents, such as the groundings and collision, which, in turn, resulted in the oil spilled to the sea on the frequent basis.

The opening part of the volume covers the essential characteristics of the oils, while the second one deals with the chemical methods of treatment such as the cleansing, dispersion, chemical barriers etc. the mechanical responses have been dealt with in a separate chapter; note that after that the oil spill combating is discussed together with the contingency planning and associated limitations.

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The main declared objective of the present volume was to introduce the engineering and mathematical approximation schemes to the readers and describe both kinetics and thermodynamics of the electro-chemical systems considered the fundamentals of the corrosion science. The material in each of the chapters has been given in a very easy-to-follow manner.

The readers will be provided with the clear explanations and definitions of all theoretical concepts involved. Every effort was made by the author to keep the mathematics as simple as possible to make sure that the students do not experience too much of difficulty when trying to understand the basics of the electrochemical processes relating to the corrosion. The readers are offered an opportunity to learn and understand the corrosion using the theory clearly explained with the aid of numerous images and figures, schemes and graphs.

Several example problems have been included in the book to better illustrate the application of the math and electrochemical concepts to solve the corrosion problems. The corrosion is one of the most serious problems to be paid attention in shipbuilding and exploitation and we would therefore recommend this book to every person involved in construction, handling and repair of ships.

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During the whole period of time following the tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean, many invaluable lessons have been taken and also several truly great challenges observed. The present publication contains the results of the attempts made to review all the lessons that have been learned through the recovery process in the area affected by that tsunami.

The content of the publication has been divided in thirty-one chapters drawing the lessons from India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The main body is arranged in five major section. The first section provides readers with the general introduction to the subject while fours other chapters are dealing with one of the above listed countries. The author, Rajib Shaw, considers the students and specialists whose work is directly connected with the reduction of disaster risks, environment and development as the primary target groups for this volume.

The document will give all them a very good and clear idea of the modern trends in research as well as the lessons that have been learned over the past decades of recovery initiatives. There is one more target group for this book and it mainly comprises policy makers and practitioners commonly able to apply the knowledge they collect in this book to the establishment of the relevant policies and making the decisions.

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One of the best volumes available today on coastal hydraulics. This is the second, significantly updated and revised, edition of the book. The content of the publication opens with the basic information on the subject including motion equations applicable to the ideal fluids, sediment transport and viscous flow. This chapter is followed by the one on tides and currents - here the readers will get the information about the equilibrium tide, tidal streams and bores, numerical analysis methods etc.

The next chapter deals with the waves and covers the linear theory, diffraction and reflection of waves, longshore currents and their generation, ship waves, wind waves and other important aspects. The chapter devoted to the coastal sediment transport will tell readers about the suspended and bed load, littoral drift and roughness length, longshore drift, beach nourishment etc.

The rest of the chapters of the volume address such areas as coast and bed morphology, coastal protection and its planning, waves and structures including wave characteristics and associated forces, application of the spectral analysis method to wave loadings, and data acquisition through current and wave measurements, measurement of the sediment movement and littoral drift, and hydrographic surveys.

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Here is the fifth edition of this modern and world popular book by Dennis Zill, whose remarkably comprehensive work has been already recognized by the students and specialists because of the deep overview of numerous mat topics that are required for the students who are in the process of planning their careers in various fields of engineering/sciences.

One of the key features of this volume is the emphasis made by the author on the differential equations as math models and the discussion of the pitfalls and constructs of each of them. The publication is considered a full collection of the relevant topics usually covered within the engineering mathematics courses. The book has been designed max flexible in order to meet all needs of different course offerings that usually range from ordinary equations up to the vector calculus.

This revised edition of the title offers its readers a completely re-arranged project section adding some clarity to the main course material; moreover, some new content has been added to the main text of the book, when compared to the previous edition. This is a very useful book to be used as a quick reference tool by the students in any field of engineering. One of the very well-known and highly recommended books on engineering mathematics.

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This is the third edition of the title, updated and fully revised, and completely rewritten with the aim to make numerous corrections and additions to the material and also to improve the already existing information. The book is mainly intended to serve as an introduction to the wave mechanics plus different coastal processes together with the basics underlining the currently establishes coastal engineering practices.

The content of the document will be of great practical use for students and in fact everyone having some basic engineering background. The readers are not expected to have any fluid mechanics or math background. This classic publication is offering readers a well-rounded intro to coastal engineering. Note that it will present particular practical interest to the practicing engineers and scientists who did not have any formal study in this field but who are willing to get familiar with coastal engineering.

The material included into the book is covering literally all coastal processes and this list includes mechanisms that are commonly causing changes to the beach profiles, beach equilibrium profiles, design and characteristics of the coastal entrances and wealth of other relevant information. A reference source for people wishing to understand the fundamental concepts in coastal engineering without going too deep in math.

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