

This video is one of the three films presented by BBC, in which the biggest machines in the world are being stripped down and torn apart. The other two are showing the Jumbo jet and huge ocean ferry.

Watch this film and you will know all the hidden secrets. The Gas Rig addressed in this video, was the Lima Platform, the North Sea Gas installation, which was pulled by floating cranes and brought to Newcastle, where she was cut into pieces for recycling.

The authors of the film tried to reveal all secrets of the vital parts of the rig, considering at the platform not only as the steel structure...

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Here is the another episode of the "Engineering Giants" documentary series by BBC. This one, presented by Robe Bell and Tom Wriggles worth, shows what happens with the vessels at the end of their working lives, namely at the ship-breaking yards.

The thirty-two thousand tonne North Sea ferry "Pride of Bruges" (originally in service as "Norsun"), worked on the line between Hull and Zeebrugge. She was built in Yokohama, Japan by Nippon Kokan K. K. Tsurumi Shipyard. 32000 tons of steel. Seven decks each the length of the football pitch. Four engines burning 2500 litres of fuel an hour. One massive bit of engineering - the North Sea Ferry - the famous "Pride of Bruges".

After twenty five years of service, she is now being taken out of the water for most serious technical overhaul in its life. As key part of strip down, it is the unique chance to explore deep her hidden features. Every complex system should be thoroughly tested and duly repaired prior to being returned to service...

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Operating ferries is a complex business and in these days of no-cost airlines and the competition was never tougher. The impact of technology and increasing pressure of time are the bottom line, and everyone in the ferry business knows it very well. In the times like these, repeat business has to be any ferry company's number one objective. Customers who come back are one who keep the operations going.

But know it is very difficult to make that happen. And one thing, and maybe the most important, that make people come back, is the customer satisfaction. If our customers have a good experience while they are with us, they all may return to us next time when they want to travel. Take some time watching it and we promise you will know so much more about the ferry business and about how to make the customers happy, in particular. The objective of the authors of the film was to provide proper guidance on establishing a decent level of customer service.

It also provides some required tips on how to communicate with the passengers, even with the disruptive passengers, and how to do it effectively. Nearly all aspects of service have been covered including understanding the behavior of the passengers, handling aggressive people, etc. You will know hot to handle various difficult situation, that may arise, in a very professional manner.

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