This Safety Catalogue was compiled by the professionals and officially released by the world recognized and respected WSS company, mainly focusing on the merchant fleet and comprising the leading network of maritime services, offering the high quality services in more than two thousand ports of 125 countries of the world.
The main objective of the Company is the delivery of the improved ship operating efficiency. The present Safety Catalogue opens with the part providing the general information on the Company, its technical capabilities, service network, describing advantages of working with WSS, delivery and billing details - in short, everything that the people dealing with the ship supply shall be aware of.
The main content of the catalogue provides the technical details and specifications of the equipment offered by WSS - the fire extinguishing equipment and arrangements including extinguishers and cabinets, hoses, couplings, hydrants and couplings, wheeled and stored pressure fire extinguishers, fire blankets etc., PPE, i.e. personal protective equipment including CA, EEBD, air cylinders, gas detection appliances, head, eye and ear protection etc., rescue equipment including lifebuoys, rescue tools, lifejackets, stretchers etc., various medical equipment required to be possessed on board, oil spill recovery equipment, fixed fire extinguishing systems together with the medium used and spare parts etc.