Product Catalogues


This Safety Catalogue was compiled by the professionals and officially released by the world recognized and respected WSS company, mainly focusing on the merchant fleet and comprising the leading network of maritime services, offering the high quality services in more than two thousand ports of 125 countries of the world.

The main objective of the Company is the delivery of the improved ship operating efficiency. The present Safety Catalogue opens with the part providing the general information on the Company, its technical capabilities, service network, describing advantages of working with WSS, delivery and billing details - in short, everything that the people dealing with the ship supply shall be aware of.

The main content of the catalogue provides the technical details and specifications of the equipment offered by WSS - the fire extinguishing equipment and arrangements including extinguishers and cabinets, hoses, couplings, hydrants and couplings, wheeled and stored pressure fire extinguishers, fire blankets etc., PPE, i.e. personal protective equipment including CA, EEBD, air cylinders, gas detection appliances, head, eye and ear protection etc., rescue equipment including lifebuoys, rescue tools, lifejackets, stretchers etc., various medical equipment required to be possessed on board, oil spill recovery equipment, fixed fire extinguishing systems together with the medium used and spare parts etc.

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The official product catalogue of the world famous ElectroCirkel company. Reinforced construction lamps - Lamps for general lighting service (including low voltage) - Spherical and tubular lamps - Pilot/pнgmy lamps - Candle lamps - Indoor reflector lamps - Japanese outdoor reflector lamps - Bowl (crown) reflector lamps - Sealed beam lamps and pressed-glass reflector lamps - Heating lamps - Oven lamps - Colored lamps - Glow filament lamps - Striplite - High voltage, low voltage and reinforced halogen lamps - Subminiature lamps - Miniature and telephone indicator lamps - Spherical and torpedo lamps - Flashlight lamps - Navigation lamps - Aldis and Nife signaling lamps - Gyro Compass and Repeater lamps - Searchlight and projection lamps - Mercury and sodium lamps - Led lamps - Energy saving and energy effective lamps - Starters and electronic ballast for FL/PL - Igniters for discharge lamps - Watertight searchlights - Single and duplex navigation lights and spare parts - Watertight lighting fixtures - Explosion proof equipment - Responder flashlights - Batteries accessories - Dry batteries - Cables - Insulation materials - Junction boxes - Enclosures - Cable trunking...

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Here is the sixth release of the world known reference guide used to order the items commonly used on board marine vessels - maybe the most popular in the marine industry. The present guide has been specifically designed to be equally easily understood by and friendly to the people belonging to the different cultures and different native language, and one of the aims of the document is to promote the business between all such people.

The items contained within this volume have all been coded and supplemented with the informative illustrations for their easier identification between the crew members, owner of the ship and suppliers. Needless to say that the Guide is the absolutely must have item for any ship supplier. Note that the person dealing with the ordering of the products, shall clearly specify the code number, description of the product, unit and, finally, the quantity to be ordered, to avoid any sort of misunderstandings.

Traditionally, IMPA Guide is deservedly considered the marine industry standard for the ship supply chain. This sixth edition includes more than three thousand new codes bringing the total number of the products to well above forty thousand. The ever-growing content of the publication has been aligned with all relevant technological advances. Numerous completely new lines were added in order to duly reflect the changing demands of the shipping industry. In short, this is an invaluable reference source for all players of the commercial shipping.

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This official catalogue was released by AC Antennas, recognized and world leading company manufacturing the antennas possessing a huge portfolio of products.

The publication is provides its readers with the required general technical descriptions of all their antennas, their electrical and mechanical specifications addressing every type of the antennas produces, namely CELmar VHF, cellular, AIS, VHF, UHF, GPS and other antennas.

The present booklet also contains the specifications of the accessories plus mounting hardware. The AC antennas have proven to be designed to provide an extra-class technical performance while maintaining cost effectiveness.

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