Shipbuilding & Repair


An excellent booklet released by BOC to provide general introduction to the cutting and welding. The content of this compact but very informative volume starts with the recommended safety precautions, taking into account the importance of safety measures; this chapter includes coverage of the clothing and fire protection aspects. The next chapter deals with the gases used for cutting and welding including their storage and handling at the workplace.

The fuel gases processes are addressed within the next chapter - here the authors also touch the flame properties and output. Then, we proceed to the gas welding and oxygen-acetylene welding procedures from beginning to the shutting down stages. the rest of the chapters are covering various welding techniques, joining processes and welding information including tips for improving the quality of the weld seams, silver brazing and gas cutting, mild steel cutting and flame heating.

There is a separate chapter devoted to the typical designs where the different joint designs are compared. Notes on proper care of the welding and cutting equipment are also included in the volume. The document will be of great practical interest in the cutting and welding, including shipbuilding industry.

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This is a compact but very informative and useful booklet providing a summary of the main aspects related to the welding certification. It will be useful to the people willing to get the basic knowledge of the subject without going to deep into the theory and relevant procedures. We have been approving the welding procedures through testing and certifying the welders for more than fifty years.

According to the established practice which shall be strictly followed, the testing shall be done prior to commencement of the production and is therefore considered a QA, i.e. Quality Assurance, rather than just a QC, i.e. Quality Control, measure. The material in this booklet is arranged in section sections. The first section is purely introductory while the remaining sections are dealing with the welding certification itself, welding the specimen, testing and certification, and also some info about SAFed.

There are also several appendixes to the main part of the document – here you will find the information about the test certificates including some samples to be used. Though the publication was not developed specifically for the shipbuilding industry, the content will be useful to all people involved in ship building and ship repair.

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Have a look at this absolutely excellent textbook on welding. According to the numerous reviews by the readers from different parts of the world and involved in different industries, there is literally no other volume that would contribute so much to the prevention of the accidents more than this one.

The book will tell readers where they must not weld and also contains seventy-five images, ten detailed sketches and huge amount of relevant technical knowledge gathered from more than fifty years of practical experience in the field of construction. The publication will clearly explain all you need to know about welding providing the information normally not available from the ordinary textbooks.

Among the matters covered in the pages of the book there are welding stresses, confined expansion and many other things that could have negative effect on the quality of the welding seam. The book shall be treated as a perfect welding guidebook and maybe the best one for self-study. The authors prepared a truly great manual which gained a lot of popularity not only in the United States but in the other countries as well, and is recommended to anyone whose job involved welding, designing or inspecting welds.

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The content of the present publication was specifically developed to assist people working with the aluminium as well as various aluminium alloys. As you know, subject material is in quite wide use in the contemporary shipbuilding. Since connection of different parts of the ship’s hull normally implies their welding one to another, it is very important for the workers and designers to have a good understanding of the welding process.

This is also important because having a good technical knowledge on this would help in evaluation of the weld design at earlier stages, predicting all possible problems in the future. The content of the book will provide all of them with the basic information relating to the metallurgic principles, which they well have to be aware of in order to do a good and defect-less job.

The volume shall be used as a comprehensive guidebook to all shop-floor engineers since the author has covered all important areas including weldability of the aluminium alloys, advantages and disadvantages of application of the different processes, quality assurance and control, solving of the different problems involved, and many other aspects deserving attention.

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If you happen to visit any of the great marine ports of the world, for example Sydney or Singapore, or San Francisco, you will surely get be surprised by the huge number of ships of different types and sizes. They are moored alongside, anchored in the vicinity or just passing by through the bay leading to the open sea.

They will include oil and product tankers, passenger liners and dry cargo ships, container carriers and ferries, fishing boats and yachts, and so many others. You will count hundreds of ships since the demands of the modern trade are remarkably diverse nowadays.

This book was written for the newcomers to shipping industry willing to get a general understanding of the shipbuilding process. The way material is presented makes it easy reading even for the people with little to no technical knowledge available. The author starts the book with the explanation of the differences between ship types and some brief information about the ship design and construction process, with particular attention paid to the so-called CAD, standing for the computer assisted design.

The shipbuilding process is explained at every stage, from steel preparation to the launching of the ready ship and put fitting. The sea trials normally conducted upon completion of the ship construction, have been addressed in a separate chapter. The book features a glossary of terminology and is full of brilliant pictures.

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The publication is a good reference source and it will be very useful for all those involved in welding the magnesium alloys. Apart from them, it will be also appreciated by the researchers in the field as well as metallurgists. The content will provide them with a detailed analysis and review of the technologies for welding the subject alloys.

It will also give valuable information about the technical characteristics of the procedures, practical applications and associated limitations; note that it covers both newly introduced procedures as well as those with already proven effectiveness. The weldability of the alloys has been covered in detail, and the technologies commonly used for joining them have been duly explored.

Several chapters of the book address the new welding methods, including the laser welding. The author has equally covered the welding of the magnesium alloys to steel and to aluminum alloys, together with the protection of the newly established weld seams from corrosion.

Written by the professor of technology, the publication will give you the theoretical knowledge and the practical information you would need in order to produce high-quality welding with the magnesium alloys involved.

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Have a look into this second, thoroughly revised and updated edition of the popular Small Steel Craft publication by Ian Nicolson. The publication is covering all important aspects of the small craft construction and building, as well as the repair and rebuilding. The author provides clear and easy-to-understand explanations of the design features considered unique to the craft made of steel materials.

Note that both the steel and different alloys have been addressed, together with their properties and application. The readers will get to know what and how shall be done in order to avoid too complicated methods of work that would consume too much of valuable time. There are also numerous tips on the optimization of the construction process, such as minimizing the number of different sizes of the steel plates and parts.

The chapters of the volume cover the entire process of small steel craft building, with the due attention paid to every single part of the craft, from the keel to the superstructure, shipboard machinery and equipment, and up to and including the fittings. The maintenance of the steel hulls is also explained together with the painting and preservation instructions.

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The maritime shipping industry has always been of critical importance for the whole Europe, and it still is considered strategically vital to the European economy, as well as the tradition and topology, and of course tradition. Throughout the history, the shipbuilding has been treated as a significant source of employment for the people. Nowadays, shipbuilding together with the related areas, need to go through the serious changes, in order to remain competitive.

The subject changes would include, first of all, the reduction of the lead times, commonly caused by the production over-capacity and competition. It would also be necessary to achieve sustainability throughout the entire process of ship construction. In addition, the highest standards of quality shall be complied with to provide safety and environmental friendliness of the maritime navigation.

All above goals are difficult but possible to achieve but will definitely require improvements in the design and construction of the merchant fleet, as well as its subsequent technical maintenance. The newly introduced technological advances, applied to the shipbuilding industry through, for instance, the laser welding of the ship’s hull, the growing level of automation of all processes, when used properly, will eventually result in the better productivity.

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