

Survival Series - Survival & Rescue

Format avi
Duration 31 min
Size 245 Mb





This is the closing part of the training set consisting of four videos providing a good coverage of the shipboard survival items and techniques. Three other video films are dealing with the lifeboats, liferafts and mustering and are also available. As you can see, the first three parts of the training package focus on the process of abandoning the vessel and advise how to do this safely.

This fourth part is addressing what happens straight after the survival, It demonstrates the life in a lifeboat and in the liferaft providing required and valuable advice on how to apportion the food available in the survival craft taking into account the number of people on board, what measures shall be taken to prevent seasickness of the passengers, and how to collect water, which is also the matter of utmost importance.

The authors of the video look into such survival detection equipment items as SART and EPIRBs. The video concludes with location of the rescue parties - in this section you will get to know what steps shall be made to increase the chances of being rescued by the chopper or vessel in the safe and efficient way. This training set is definitely one of the best training sources available today featuring excellent and easily understandable material.

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