
US CRUISERS 1883—1904

US Cruisers 1883-1904

Author(s) Lawrence Burr, Ian Palmer, John White
Publisher New Vanguard
Date 2008
Pages 48
Format pdf
Size 18 Mb







The authors of this title concentrated on small number of specific ships, namely cruisers of the United States Navy fleet and managed to cover them in the greatest detail. Though the publication consists of only 48 pages, the amount of information provided in it is really impressive. The authors put together thorough overview of naval design. In addition, there is a very useful appendix to the main content of the book.

The photographs and illustrations supplementing the text of the book are really fascinating. This is an extremely useful and valuable reference point for ship modelers, researchers or students interested in the times of the steel navy cruisers. The stories contained in the book provide readers with the salient technical details of the individual vessels, paying particular attention to the improvements which were made by their predecessors. Each of the sections of this volume has been very well illustrated and supplemented with numerous photos and artworks.

All interested readers have found this book a very valuable reference source for the students, researchers in this field and ship modelers. The authors have put together the brilliant overview of a quite neglected field of naval design and associated developments presented in a very readable and fascinating manner that made the book extremely popular.

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