All technical definitions that have been included into the present ASTM compilation of the terms are standard definitions that have been published in the terminology standards. This is the latest tenth edition of the dictionary prepared by ASTM International and sponsored by ASTM Committee no. E02 on Terminology.
The book would allow all readers to reference technical terminology developed by different ASTM Committees. It is also intended to facilitate the comparison of technical definitions that have been created by technical subject experts in many different disciplines. There are all almost thirty thousand standard technical definitions contained in the present edition, i.e. over seven thousand new terms when compared to the previous edition.
You will easily get the proper explanation of the technical terminology not commonly found in most technical dictionaries. It makes better and much faster use of the standards developed and released by ASTM, and let the reader know how the given technical fields use the terms.
Each of the definitions contained in this dictionary was written with the professionals active in their field and reflects the sense in which it is used; it also provides the proper designation of the standard in which the term is being referenced and Committee that worked on the standard and developed it.