This book was written by the duet of authors - Elaine Murray and Valerie Lambert - with the intention to create a volume that could be used by all learners of English language, willing to practice their spoken English as well as practical writing skills used in everyday communication. The training material is presented in the form of short texts and dialogues - note that the audio version of all texts and dialogues has also been included in the pack presented to your attention, and it will definitely make it much easier for the students to work out the correct pronunciation of all words.
It shall also be noted that British English has been mainly used when recording all supplementary audio materials. The glossary is also there so the users may test themselves on the understanding of key items. The authors of the publication has concentrated on the everyday technical English that is being used in a huge variety of industries, including marine industry. The use of very specific language has been kept to a minimum; however, some small amount of it has been presented throughout the book. The students can use the book from the very first chapter or just choose the selected units directly relating to their professional needs.
 We compiled this work on Business English having in mind the need of the students who have already mastered basic grammar, acquired a fair vocabulary with some idiom, and who now wish to apply his knowledge to the study of writing business letters in English.
Therefore, we have given many examples of letters written in a clear, friendly, direct and positive style, keeping in mind needs of the students who require English for correspondence with English-speaking countries, and whose interest therefore lies mainly in import-export matters. In the present edition we have given 150 specimen letters as well as some 740 phrases and extracts from letters. No book of commercial correspondence could reproduce specimen letters in every style of expression used in commercial writing, but the carefully classified groups of phrases given will enable the student to build his own letters on the pattern of the specimens.
Many of the letters have been presented in a very attractive and realistic style. Many of the letters presented in this release of the book in a realistic and attractive style, reflecting the latest revisions done by the authors to make it even more practical and useful when used as a guidance to writing business letters.
 This book is exactly what all learners of English need. It is full of the useful and informative work sheets for better understanding of the training material. It will definitely be the best option for the ESL students; however, it can also be used by people willing to refresh the grammatical rules. The content of the book is very well-presented, covering all the most important grammar points.
The chapters of the book are full of practical exercises. The readers of the book have already rated it as very good and useful. According to the numerous customer reviews provided by the learners worldwide, this is one of the best grammar reference books available today. The text part of the publication is very concise and the format used by the author is very easy-to-follow.
There are fifteen tests offering some additional opportunities for practice; note that all exercises have been provided with correct answers contained in the Answer Key section of the book. The publication contains self-contained units that could be used in any desired order. This makes the book good for use in a classroom or for self-study. The explanations are very clear and supplemented with multiple examples, allowing learners to discover the target grammar.
 This book is responding to the serious need for supplementary learning materials as well as good exercises aimed to help all writers to enhance their grammar skills, and it is mainly focusing on the English grammar, structure of the sentence, vocabulary together with its usage, and the language mechanics, e.g. spelling/punctuation.
The publication is also providing all readers with the valuable learning instructions/exercises that they could use in order to get their mastery of technical English language significantly improved. The exercises provided in the book will definitely allow readers to test their current knowledge of English and track the progress; and this, in turn, will let them determine which exactly areas need improvement.
Each section begins with the review of the basic grammar rules and principles. These exercises are selected specifically for the self-study and are supplemented with the keys. It should be noted that this title is not intended to present the complete coverage of whole English grammar and for the exhaustive coverage the readers would better refer to the other publications presented at our website.
In short, we do recommend the present publication to all people who are willing to improve their skills using some supplementary training materials.
 Every time we start to write something, we’re setting off on an unknown journey across that big blank computer screen or piece of paper. We usually have a pretty good idea of where we are and where we want to get to. It’s the part in between that can be scary. This is where knowing the basic rules of English grammar and spelling helps. The rules are like signposts at key junctions telling you which way to turn.
They help keep you from getting lost and confused amid the strange jungle that is the English language. That’s why you’re holding this book. You don’t need an exhaustive compilation of all the rules and regulations of our mother tongue. Instead, you want something that’s concise and practical—a kind of pocket atlas you can pull out and consult when you feel you’ve lost your way. Each of the entries in this book starts with a common mistake.
We discuss why the sample sentence is wrong, what point of grammar it illustrates, and how to fix it. Don’t worry if a lot of these mistakes sound familiar to you. We’re here to help you get your grammar in order and clean up any errors. In the end, you’ll have a nice, clear, well-lit, well-signed road in front of you. You can read the book from beginning to end, but it may be more helpful if you use the index to look up the specific problems about which you have questions. For further information, we’ve also included a list of resources. So open your atlas, turn on your GPS, and let’s set out on our journey. Everything’s going to be all right now!
 All the entries in the book are arranged into sets of terms that are closely related in meaning or subject area. This allows an entry to be compared or contrasted with related entries to make the meaning of a term clearer. There are two main sections in the book.
The first comprises over 1300 basic terms commonly used in all branches of science, and which have different, and usually more precise, meanings in scientific contexts than they have in general speech. Included in this section are 180 prefixes, suffixes and general affixes of use in understanding many scientific terms. The second section defines over 8500 technical terms from the fields of biology, chemistry and physics.
The entries contain other information, besides the definition, which will be of assistance in the usage of the term. The terms for biology, chemistry and physics are not divided into three separate sections; instead the sets of terms are presented according to an overall framework of scientific principles, as can be seen in the list of Contents. The Contents shows the arrangement of terms in different subject areas. Each area is indicated by a two letter code, and within such an area or set, the terms are numbered consecutively.
The set codes are placed at the top of each page showing the numbers of the terms covered. An alphabetical index at the back of the book lists all the terms and their place in the book, and indicates the subject field of the term where relevant.
 We are glad to introduce the latest edition of this popular and recognized Dictionary, which is mainly based on the 1999 release which, in turn, incorporated the panel entries providing some additional details of a very wide range of so important topics. This volume has its origins in 1940 under the first name Chamber's Technical Dictionary. As it is quite clearly implied by the title of this popular Dictionary, it has been fully dedicated to the technical terminology. The entries included into the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.
The dictionary itself consists of more that thousand pages. In addition to the main part, there are numerous appendices providing some supplementary info, such as the SI prefixes, derived units/conversion factors, units of measurement, math symbols, Greek alphabet, planets together with their satellites, major physical constants, electromagnetic spectrum, the constellations, geo-time, amino acids, the Periodic Table, the list of Nobel Prize winners, chronology of the most significant inventions and discoveries, taxonomy of living organisms, radio frequencies, graphical electronic symbols etc.
The book is covering various areas of technology and science and this is what makes it so popular among the professionals from mechanical engineering to medicine and from electrical engineering to environmental sciences.
 Here is the very latest eighth release of the popular grammar book compiled by the grammar expert Penelope Choy. It continues to provide readers with clear and understandable explanations of the important grammar rules supplemented with the numerous informative examples for better and easier understanding of the text. It will be advantageous to use this book for preparation to the GMAT examination as it allows users to quickly review all the grammar rules.
The book will be perfect source for everyone and relates to every learner of English. It could easily and effectively be used for self-study or in the classroom, and will also be useful for the teachers. Throughout almost thirty years and all previous releases, this grammar book has proven to be very reader-friendly, making the training very easy and interesting; the students will definitely enjoy the whole process of learning English when this book is used. In general, the format of all previous editions has been preserved.
The content of the book is divided into seven major units, each of them being provided with two exercises. Subject units cover the indentifying of verbs and subjects, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, usage of pronouns, paragraphs, capitalization and so many other valuable information.