Marine Economics & Business


This book presents a study of various economic decisions together with their consequences of the providers and users of shipping port services. Port users include shippers, passengers, and carriers. Port, or terminal, operators will be the primary service providers; other service providers include, for example, ship agents, customs brokers, ship pilots, stevedores, freight forwarders.

Maritime economics itself consists of port and shipping economics. This book is an introduction to port economics. Although this is only a textbook, it is still expected to be useful in maritime research, to port users and service-provider decision makers, and to those of the general public who are interested in port issues. In 1984,1 and two other business professors established the center, Maritime, Trade and Transport (MTT), at Old Dominion University. Given that Norfolk, Virginia has one of the largest container ports on the east Coast of the United States, the main mission is to perform high-quality maritime researches in order to promote the Port of Virginia and international trade in the region.

Prior to 1984, although a transportation economist. I was not a student of maritime economics. However, MTT provided the author with the opportunity to become knowledgeable in the subject. In 1986, MTT was renamed the Virginia Center for World Trade and established as an economic development agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia...

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Nowadays, operating cruise vessels requires thorough knowledge of the cruise line work principles, which is a mixture of the different economic, technological, social, and environmental systems, forming the final product. The due attention shall be paid at all times to the uncertainties and conflicts that commonly arise when minimum of two of the above-mentioned systems are interacting.

This all creates serious issues for those dealing with the cruise shipping business. The idea of the authors of this book was to capture and duly document the most critical managerial challenges that the ocean cruise ship managers and operators have to face. Considering the number of people involved, this task is really of huge importance and needs to be addressed in detail.

The book is arranged in six parts, first one giving some general background of the cruise industry. The corporate, marketing and product management of the cruise lines are the topics of the following two parts, while the others will shed some light on the operation management, and future of the cruise industry.

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It is known that most of the legal disputes in the maritime shipping industry are the results of the opposing opinions concerning the differing interpretations of the laytime aspects. That is the reason why so many works had already been prepared and published in connection with this important area of the maritime law, and there are so many of them appearing on the annual basis, with their authors trying to shed some more light on the subject matter.

The main intention of the present title is to provide industry with the tips and practical instructions on calculating laytime; however, the author also made effort to keep the content fully in line with the regulatory framework. The publication can either be used by the students and by the experienced calculators who will definitely find it a useful reference source.

It shall be noted, however, that the subject of the laytime calculation is quite complex and each of the calculations shall be looked at using the case-by-case approach, since there are numerous factors involved relating to the particular clauses of the associated charter-parties, their dominance and interrelationships. Use this book as a concise yet informative guide.

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Nowadays, the details of the international trade including shipping is growing very complex from year to year - what it actually means is that even the proven industry professionals may sometimes need guidance. The present guidance book was released to supply readers with a clear view of the whole import and export processes and explain all important ins and outs of the international trade as well as the associated insurance matters.

The content of the publication is covering such the important aspects of the business as the  organization of the import and export operations, various documentation and processes relating to the exporting, preliminary considerations, sales and other export documents, export licenses and controls, importing - associated documentation and procedures, preliminary considerations, purchase documentation, import documentation and process, global customs considerations; the readers will also get to know how to determine the proper classification of a particular product, its proper value to be declared and proper country of origin; moreover, specialized importing and exporting are also addressed together with the Incoterms diagram and ISA, i.e. International Sales Agreement; the last chapter of the publication provides users with some of the most popular export and import related internet resources.

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Nowadays, the activities in the business and law field are becoming one of the integral parts of the day to day operations of any deck officer, and the importance of such operations is increasing from year to year. Considering the newly introduced laws and other regulatory items originating from the ILO, IMO and other world scale entities, as well as the gradually reducing turnaround time, we can now understand the pressure they are subjected.

As it is clear from the title, the present volume is intended to be used for training and self-examining purposes. With its content prepared by the recognized experts, the book will serve as an invaluable training instrument for those preparing to sit for the associated examination.

There are nine major sections in the book, starting with the one on the maritime treaty instruments, such as the SOLAS and MARPOL international conventions, followed by the section on the Flag State, covering the official bodies in the maritime industry. Then, there are sections addressing such important aspects as ship registration, charters, approval of the equipment, crew related requirements, maritime insurance, general average, voyage and all related things including but not limited to the planning, cargo handling, safety communications., and so many others.

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Today, there are numerous titles available on the subject of the transport documents that are usually in use when arranging the marine transportation of the cargo, and this particularly relates to the bill of lading. However, the present publication was released to bring some absolutely fresh view combined with the comparative approach to the subject documents.

Note that different jurisdictions have been covered in addition to the traditionally dominating English law, and the comparison is provided of the civil and common law wherever same was considered appropriate. The volume will provide readers with a good historical background as well as the development perspective in connection with the above mentioned transport documents from the very first appearances and up to today.

This results in the good and professional insight into the development of the international shipping law over the decades and centuries, and application of its values and basic essential principles. The author analyzes the legal issues addressing the transport paperwork, supplementing the theory with the fresh ideas, making the title even more practically useful in today’s world. It is an excellent choice for the students of the maritime law entities as well as the lawyers, but will be equally valuable to the other parties involves in the transportation, such as the masters, officers, shore support offices etc.

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The present book on dry cargo chartering, prepared and released by one of the most authoritative entities in a world of maritime shipping, is going to ensure that the readers will significantly improve their knowledge and understanding of this particular area of shipbroking. The volume will explain clearly and in detail all commodities that are involved as well as the requirements applicable to the carriage. The ships serving these markets have also been discussed.

The content of the volume is covering the role of each participant of the shipping market paying equally close attention to the ship owners, brokers, charterers and operators. In addition to that, the author has provided good coverage of the freight markets together with the associated documentation, bills of lading, charter parties etc. Ten chapters of this brilliant book will provide readers with absolutely everything they need to know and will present the information in a very logical and easy-to-follow way.

The content opens with the brief information introducing readers to the dry cargo ships. Though it is not the intention of the author to give an exhaustive study of this subject, it still explains so many expressions commonly used in connection with the ships participating in the dry cargo sector. As it is the case with any other publication released by ICS, this one is highly recommended to any person with the interest in maritime shipping activities.

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This remarkably authoritative book written by one of the most recognized experts in the world of maritime economics may be treated as both a perfect introduction to the maritime shipping economics and a very valuable reference source to be used by the commercial practitioners. It is a very reader-friendly publication intended for those needing a thorough and clear overview of the commercial and economic issues that are commonly involved in the ownership, chartering and management of the ships.

The author has provided an excellent description of the major canals and marine ports together with the economies of scale in vessel sizes. There are many data diagrams and informative graphs supplementing the explanations of the demand and supply of the shipping industry. The content of the volume examines the broader maritime industry including tanker ships, dry cargo vessels, the liner trading and ship sale. The author also describes the main factors contributing to the cycles affecting the shipping industry of today.

The ship management and the information required by the ship brokers for effective operation of the vessels have been covered in the pages of this book making it even more valuable. The book details the commercial and contractual fundamentals considered specific to the shipping industry and covering the balance of payments and other important aspects.

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