Marine Economics & Business


This volume is mainly focusing on the management of the common operations in the shipping, which is an activity requiring due knowledge and significant technical expertise spanning different disciplines. The people engaged in the ship operations are normally required to have enough understanding of the subject and also to be well-versed with the important aspects of management, as well as the economics, and even engineering.

Moreover, they need to be proficient in the modern technology and be aware of the law aspects. Furthermore, managing ship operations will require them to be able to perform proper identification and neutralization of the threats and to conduct the risk management so that the correct decisions are made, optimizing the relevant costs and contributing to improvements in performance. Though the management of the ship operations is fundamental thing, to date there has been no books providing readers with the reconciled and compiled knowledge.

This edition of the book was released to fill in the aforementioned gap in the available literature, bringing together all knowledge gathered from the recognized experts. Their combined efforts have eventually resulted in the excellent reference guidebook intended for use by the employees of the maritime entities and to serve as a supplement when teaching the relevant marine programs.

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The initial intention of the authors of this publication was to present numerous fresh ideas as well as some new concepts to the shipping community. It shall not be considered a textbook or a sort of collection of relevant documents reflecting purely academic professional views but should rather be treated as a compendium of viewpoints of the world recognized experts and solutions proposed by specialists and "decision makers" who are trying to tackle the today's market and complicated financial conditions.

All subjects and topics included in the book are demonstrating the innovative character of theory efforts. Note, however, that this title is not actually intended solely for graduate students and it aims some of the professional needs of the maritime industry participants dealing with the puzzles of financing shipping activities, either as borrowers, lenders or advisors, on the daily basis.

The readers, therefore, are expected to possess some basic fundamental knowledge of the subject to be able to fully understand the texts contained in the book and get the full use of them. Today, the ship finance is still a new field advancing the current situation in this field - theory and practice is still quite far from settled, but it is dynamically evolving.​

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This ninth edition of one of the most popular titles on the shipping business is deservedly considered the remarkably comprehensive book clearly explaining and analyzing the maritime transportation as well as the relating industries, including both international and domestic shipping.

The content is particularly recommended to the newcomers to the field of maritime shipping business in need to get to the better understanding of the essential operations, regulatory framework, movement of goods; note that it will also serve as a great source of reference to the professionals switching from one industry segment to another. It is a good choice for the marine shipping education since it provides students with all necessary information. The content is up to date and reflects all latest developments.

Since the time of its initial publication in 1973, the title has been treated as a genuine industry standard. The author of the volume has taken a deep dive into the industry, providing the thorough analysis of the different sectors, highlighting the interactions between all stakeholders. The specific information can be found in the relevant chapters of the book so the book is recommended to literally all people involved in the industry.

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The original declared intention of the authors of this publication was to release a volume in which the most important global trends and strategies employed in the maritime industry would be discussed. They have also done their best to answer some of the key questions relating to the shipping cost structures, patterns of the sea transport, and operation of the shipping companies.

We are sure that the book shall be treated as the invaluable source of relevant information for the advanced students as well as researchers. The publication has been arranged in four main parts; the first four chapters of the book give some general overview of the today's shipping business, while the next four chapters are dedicated to the various shipping operations, and they are followed by another four chapters relating to the intermodal transport. The last four chapters of the book mainly focus on the shipping port management.

In their publication, the authors have consolidated selected - most relevant and significant - research findings and hope that all readers will find their work very informative and interesting, providing all necessary info on the very latest developments in the shipping and logistics management. Take a look in the book and you will not be disappointed.

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The maritime industry of today is special and very fascinating. We consider it special because of the global nature of the industry, as well as huge investments required and highly cyclical markets - moreover, because of the unique competitive structure of the industry with so many determined players participating. From the other side, it is very fascinating because the fortunes and made - and sometimes lost - at a very fast pace.

The present publication is the outcome of the several forces that shaped the interest of the author in shipping companies and their business strategies. The rationale for this volume would be the proper understanding of the success of global shipping companies. That is why t is directly relevant to the people active in the shipping industry. The book also provides the information on how to manage in today's face of global turbulence. Such understanding will be the key not only for the industry executives but also to the professionals from the other corporations and industries.

The book is arranged in six chapters - first one sets out key strategic challenges of a shipping company, while in the second chapter we discuss the commodity-based strategies. The next chapters are discussing the moves toward niche strategies and the overall portfolio strategies, several organizational issues and, finally, the last chapter is dealing with the ownership side, making emphasis on the benefits that shipping company can make from being public...

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An excellent introduction to the activities relating to the ship management. Take some time going through the material presented in this publication and you will for sure have much better understanding of the shipping industry and its impact on the other areas. The author of the book mainly addressed the major demands of the contemporary ship management with the main focus made on the people managing the ships as well as theory and practice of the management.

It was very important for the author to change the content and arrangement of the subject matter; the intention was not to make the book same as all other publication but rather to engage the users and ask them some questions - to make them able to evaluate how the shipping companies operate and compare with what is stated in the book. Of course, none of the books available at the market today can provide a perfect answers to all the questions; however, this one aims to encourage all ship managers to question how the SMS, i.e. safety management system, of their shipping company operates and see whether there is any room for improvement.

It goes without saying that the main aspect of the ship management process is the involved personnel - they all must very clearly understand ship management model employed by the company and apply it properly.

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This publication has been initially acclaimed as the reference source addressing the law related to the time charters - the present latest edition of the book provides all readers with a remarkably comprehensive treatment of the subject presented in a very accessible way that made the book so useful and popular among maritime lawyers and ship owners as well as charterers, insurers and other involved parties.

The book covers both US and English law and has been significantly updated with all major decisions since the previous releases. Here are some of the English law decisions that have been covered - The Kos, The Kyla, The Captain Stefanos, The Athena, The Kildare, The Wren, The Silver Constellation, The Lehmann Timber and others; while the US law decisions addressed are The Athos I, The M/V Samho Dream and some others. Definitely valuable must-have source for every maritime lawyer.

Errata file is also included in the pack. In this release of the publication the material has been reordered and rewritten to bring it in line with the intention of the authors to make it easily accessible and understandable not only to the professional maritime lawyers. The authors were trying to present the maritime law in the subject area in a manner which would help people engaged in chartering and operating vessels...

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The authors of this publication have made an excellent attempt to describe the major commercial trends, together with all associated security implications with the aim to assist all policy makers plus the people from outside of the shipping industry in understanding all vulnerabilities of the industry central to the global economy and security.

The maritime commerce of today in the geographical areas addressed in this volume, i.e. in the Indian Ocean, is considered vital to the global trade - both in volume and in the critically important resources and goods it moves. The significance of the East-Asian and Indian, Australian and South African economies that are steadily growing, shall also be considered, as necessary. It should also be taken into account that, the economic shocks that occurred in the past several years and resulted in the downturn in the trade volumes, have added even more uncertainty about the future destiny of the investments being made.

Nowadays, the relationship between two main factors, i.e. security and commerce - may be presented in numerous forms. The present report is actually a treasury of the research and logical analysis, that have been compiled in a very user-friendly and readable volume.​

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