Marine Economics & Business


This publication has been initially acclaimed as the reference source addressing the law related to the time charters - the present latest edition of the book provides all readers with a remarkably comprehensive treatment of the subject presented in a very accessible way that made the book so useful and popular among maritime lawyers and ship owners as well as charterers, insurers and other involved parties.

The book covers both US and English law and has been significantly updated with all major decisions since the previous releases. Here are some of the English law decisions that have been covered - The Kos, The Kyla, The Captain Stefanos, The Athena, The Kildare, The Wren, The Silver Constellation, The Lehmann Timber and others; while the US law decisions addressed are The Athos I, The M/V Samho Dream and some others. Definitely valuable must-have source for every maritime lawyer.

Errata file is also included in the pack. In this release of the publication the material has been reordered and rewritten to bring it in line with the intention of the authors to make it easily accessible and understandable not only to the professional maritime lawyers. The authors were trying to present the maritime law in the subject area in a manner which would help people engaged in chartering and operating vessels...

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The authors of this publication have made an excellent attempt to describe the major commercial trends, together with all associated security implications with the aim to assist all policy makers plus the people from outside of the shipping industry in understanding all vulnerabilities of the industry central to the global economy and security.

The maritime commerce of today in the geographical areas addressed in this volume, i.e. in the Indian Ocean, is considered vital to the global trade - both in volume and in the critically important resources and goods it moves. The significance of the East-Asian and Indian, Australian and South African economies that are steadily growing, shall also be considered, as necessary. It should also be taken into account that, the economic shocks that occurred in the past several years and resulted in the downturn in the trade volumes, have added even more uncertainty about the future destiny of the investments being made.

Nowadays, the relationship between two main factors, i.e. security and commerce - may be presented in numerous forms. The present report is actually a treasury of the research and logical analysis, that have been compiled in a very user-friendly and readable volume.​

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This book presents a study of various economic decisions together with their consequences of the providers and users of shipping port services. Port users include shippers, passengers, and carriers. Port, or terminal, operators will be the primary service providers; other service providers include, for example, ship agents, customs brokers, ship pilots, stevedores, freight forwarders.

Maritime economics itself consists of port and shipping economics. This book is an introduction to port economics. Although this is only a textbook, it is still expected to be useful in maritime research, to port users and service-provider decision makers, and to those of the general public who are interested in port issues. In 1984,1 and two other business professors established the center, Maritime, Trade and Transport (MTT), at Old Dominion University. Given that Norfolk, Virginia has one of the largest container ports on the east Coast of the United States, the main mission is to perform high-quality maritime researches in order to promote the Port of Virginia and international trade in the region. Prior to 1984, although a transportation economist.

I was not a student of maritime economics. However, MTT provided the author with the opportunity to become knowledgeable in the subject. In 1986, MTT was renamed the Virginia Center for World Trade and established as an economic development agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia...

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Commercial fraud is considered one of the methods of crime that brings to its practitioners truly huge rewards. Even taking into consideration serious difficulties that commonly stem from packs of documentation and also real complexity of detail, it still can be quite simple to investigate and subsequently prosecute. However, this is only truth when and if particular deals or transactions have been recognized to be fraudulent with the material available linking the offenders to the crime.

The present title is mainly concerned with some special kind of commercial fraud - the maritime fraud, which is obviously of international nature. It is directly associated with the transportation of cargoes from one country to another, with possible dishonesty in using vessels for carrying those goods, offences against people having their commercial interest involved, crimes against insurers.

The idea of the authors was to describe the most typical frauds to make them easier to be recognized in future. They have made an excellent attempt to draw together different threads of the modern maritime criminal activity to enable people to fight it better. The material contained in the volume is presented in a form easily readable and understandable for a broad readership...

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The main content of the present report released by jointly by API and NOIA was intended to quantify all significant benefits to the economy of the United Stated that were expected to stem from opening of the Gulf of Mexico, or the eastern Gulf, to the development of oil and gas.

All potential impacts of the offshore exploration of the hydrocarbons have been projected together with the production of oil and gas on the basis of the data collected by the industry experts. The economic benefits have been estimated through 2035. The report covers all important aspects of the oil and gas exploration and production in the area.

The report structure is duly explained in the introductory part of the publication. The resources of the Eastern Gulf have been analyzed and presented in a very understandable way making this report reader friendly even to the non-professionals and newcomers.

Particular attention was paid to the data development - this part of the volume deals with the resources and project spending as well as development of the economic data and governmental revenue. There is a separate chapter addressing such aspects as drilling, production, and spending activities, employment, projects etc.

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The sea transport functions to transport cargoes by sea and its overall success and efficiency lies with the human beings and their abilities. The main objective of the present publication is to provide readers with a full picture of the modern international maritime shipping industry so that the people engaged in shipping could have clear understanding of the specific field they work in.

Every effort was made by the author to avoid the use of the professional jargon as the main idea was to make the book readable for the people with little experience. The actual and valid industry statistics and data were used when preparing the book.

The main contents of the volume is arranged in fifteen chapters starting from the basic information about the ships, their types, ongoing trends in the shipping industry, ship propulsion, manning and navigation and up to the operational and finance matters, transportation of cargoes by sea, chartering practices, marine ports, all associated documentations, and, of course, safety aspects. There are several appendixes where the additional information is provided. Moreover, there is good ship knowledge diagnostic test included for better checking the training progress and effectiveness.

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Have a look into this eighth edition of one of the most popular titles on ship chartering and broking practice. The book will serve as a great reference for anyone in need for the better understanding of the subject. The volume will provide them with the commercially focused and clear explanation of the business and will also give them professional advice regarding the operation of the modern shipping market, covering all of the relevant topics.

The authors of the book have dealt with not only managerial and operational parts but have also covered the financial and legal aspects involved. Many real life case studies have been included. The present edition features fully updated and thoroughly revised contents reflecting all ongoing trends and legal developments. Among newly added chapters the readers shall pay attention to the one lay-time principles, provided with the expert commentary and worked examples.

The authors have also included the freight rates for all types of ships together with the analysis of the most common standard documents. The glossary describing all terminology and abbreviations that are used during the negotiations on the chartering matters has also been included and is very useful.

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As we all know, the marine transportation of goods is considered the most economical way and billions tons of the cargoes are carried by sea every year. This, in turn, results in conclusion and subsequent execution of the thousands of ship contracts, being governed by the relevant charter parties.

The content of the present publication was prepared by the industry professional with the intention to familiarize readers with the commonly used terminology since the due knowledge of terms is an absolute pre-requisite for the successful ship fixtures. The document starts with the brief introduction to the general cargo sector of the modern shipping industry. The fixing on ship voyage charter and time charter are then covered, together with the making the relevant offers.

The volume also covers the additional clauses applied to the time charters. As mentioned above, all terminology involved shall be understood to all contracting parties, and shall also be clear in order to prevent them from future referring to the arbitrary third parties. this compact book will be a great treasure for any future shipbroker as it will provide him or her with the basic information and knowledge to start with.

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