Marine Economics & Business


A publication with quite self-explanatory title and dedicated to the laytime. The book starts with some preamble providing the definition of the laytime; and the opening chapter telling readers about the fixture recap. The other chapters of the publication deal with the Gencom 1994 Charter party (including several clauses on separate/total laytime, prior time etc.), notice of readiness - its definition, explanation where it shall be tendered, some additional practical info on the acceptance/rejection of this notice, statements of facts - including relevant general information and some examples of remarks done on these statements, explain how to work out the laytime - covering fixed and calculated laytime, calculation of the laytime - what documents are required, relevant Charter Party and other information, various BIMCO definitions - explaining WP/WWD/WWD of 24CH and legal changes, shifting time roads and berths, as well as shifting hatch covers, demurrage, strike clause, ice clause, half despatch, turntime, detention and liner terms, some stories shedding light on the issue. and a number of enclosures with some supplementary information and documents to be used.

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Nowadays, the maritime transport plays a truly dominant role in the international trade, serving it and significantly contributing to it's development. More than ninety percent f the traded goods are transported by means of vessels, making these vessels an essential asset, one of the fundamental ones for the global commerce.

Merchant ships are becoming more and more complex to meet the increasing demands of the world economy. This work by Lief Bleyen is focusing on a very specific aspect of maritime claim enforcement - judicial sales of ships, as it is stated in the title. This is a procedure that the creditors commonly resort to in the cases of the irreversible default situations. A significant portion of this volume approaches the above mentioned topic from a comparative perspective, and the main goal is the assessment of the existing differences and similarities of this procedure between the jurisdictions of Belgium, England & Wales, and the Netherlands.

In the present volume, the comparison is used by the author to conduct the further analysis of the potential impacts these differences might have on the reliability and effectiveness of the sale procedure in each of the named jurisdiction, forming the basis for the assessment of the feasibility of harmonizing procedures as well as fostering the acceptance of these procedures...

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The present publication mainly consists of the most actual and interesting technical articles dedicated to the shipping ports, that have been published in MEL (Maritime Economics and Logistics) since the inception of this magazine in 1999. The selection was not easy but, as a result, all of the chapters of the book have broken completely new ground in the way people look at ports, their performance and governance.

Hopefully, this book will be able to serve as a very good addition to any graduate classroom or maritime bookshelf. The author of this book has brought together a huge collection of seminar documents and made a very dynamic volume that contains valuable contributions from the world recognized and leading professional authors with different backgrounds - this allowed to represent a truly vast regional diversity.

The book provides readers with the timely and authoritative investigations into the most important topics in port economics. It includes some excellent researches on port networks and global supply chains, infrastructure of the shipping ports, choice modeling ant port pricing, competition and efficiency matters. We would say this is an essential reading for the shipping industry professionals as well as for researchers interested in this field, and of course for scholars.  

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The publication has been already widely recognized as one of the leading authorities on voyage charters and is currently treated as the most comprehensive and remarkably intellectually-rigorous analysis of the subject area - it is cited by arbitrators and in court on quite regular basis and shall definitely be considered as the excellent to-go guidance for disputing and drafting the charter party contracts.

The book is intended to provide readers with the thorough clause-to-clause analysis of the two charter party forms, namely the Asbatakvoy form and the Gencon standard charter party. The authors also deliver treatment of Hague and Hague-Visby Rules, and of COGSA, together with the good comparative analysis if English and US law; the boo also contains a detailed section dedicated to the arbitration awards.

This is the fourth edition of the book - note that it is the only book dealing specifically with the subject key area of maritime law and containing wealth of duly updated arbitrations and case law, conflict of laws and other important aspects. The publication is very user-friendly and this feature makes it accessible not only to maritime lawyers but also the other professionals of the shipping industry - we would recommend to treat this textbook as a practical guidance for all shipping law practitioners and students studying maritime law.

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Here is a remarkably comprehensive publication that may serve as an excellent contribution to the literature relating to the maritime economics - it shall definitely be treated as the standard reference in the shipping industry. The publication provides readers with a good in-depth coverage of the whole scope of important issued related to the shipping industry and port economics.

The key features of it would include a truly unprecedented survey of maritime economics performed by the author covering the majority of the items involves, thorough examinations offering an updated study of the industry including all important aspects of maritime industry, logistics issues, port maintenance and management, as well as interesting discussions on the security of ships and ports and, of course, typical problems connected with the environment protection.

The book presents some original theories related to the maritime carriers and shipping ports, and features very valuable contributions from the most recognized and respected international professionals. The first part of the book is introductory while the other three parts cover maritime carriers and markets, ship economics, shipping economics and, finally, port economics.

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In the several years that have passed since the times when the first Handbook was released, everyone has noticed numerous events that impacted the shipping markets. The present release of the Handbook contains numerous chapters covering such the important aspects of the maritime economics and business as the business during the XXI century, globalization-related issues, patterns of the international shipping, energy economics, shipping freight markets, shipping market cycles, modal split functions, recreation of the profit/loss of voyages conducted in the very distant past, a brief overview of the today's dry bulk shipping industry, short sea shipping, the tanker marker, its structure and associated economic analysis, co-operation and competition in liner shipping, the evolution of the global supply chain management plus the response of the liner shipping companies.

There is a separate part that has been dedicated solely to the vessel safety and pollution from ships, covering economic measures for air pollution control, accident analysis etc. The other chapters address shipping operations and management, shipping investments, finance and strategy, port economics and various important management aspects of the international logistics, information technology in logistics and shipping business, and others. The book has been influenced by the events that occurred in the early XXI century...

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As it is seen from the title, this book provides most of the acronyms and abbreviations that are in use in shipping industry and international trade. It was prepared by Peter Kapoor, Master Mariner. Here is the second edition of the publication. Due to the very rapid advances occurred to the technology and commerce, including ones in maritime industry, so many new abbreviations have been introduced, and all of those newly appeared abbreviations have actually been unabated during last decades.

This made the author completely revise the first edition of this book in order to update it with the results of the very latest developments in the shipping industry and commerce. The format of the book has been significantly simplified to make all of the acronyms and abbreviations appear in one alphabetical sequence - this made the book much easier to use. In fact, the previous edition of the publication only included those foreign acronyms and abbreviations for which the full form was readily available.

The author has changed his approach and no the second edition of the book includes all foreign abbreviations, even if their full term is not available. The book will be very useful for the workers of the shipping companies and anyone involved in the shipping industry and dealing with the commercial matters.

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The title is first of all intended to show the readers the ways of proper application of the common principles and mostly used tools of the network economics, for instance the problems of variational inequalities and complementarily, and studying of the large natural systems being exploited, particularly marine systems, at different levels, namely regional, continental and also global levels. The systems that have been addressed in this book, are actually being exposed to the changes in climate and to the globalization of the economy, i.e. the phenomenon first defined by O'Brien and Leichenko as the "double exposure".

The present volume has been organized in four major parts. The first part of the book is introducing the issues, discussing the marine ecosystems that are subject to the above mentioned double exposure, providing the required intro to the network theories, with particular attention being paid to the relationship between functions and structures, diversity of the terms and formalisms, as well as applications, and arbitrariness of the graphical representations, discussing the equilibrium vs dynamics issue, presenting the math instruments forming the necessary background for application of the network economics approach; they also introduce the notations and principles, convex optimization, and so many other important aspects. 

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