Marine Pollution Prevention


More than fifty years ago, namely in 1965 the IMO, i.e. International Maritime Organization, adopted the first original version of the IMDG Code to reflect the UN recommendations on the transportation of dangerous goods to the extent they were considered applicable to shipping.

Since then, ships have carried dangerous goods safely, day after day, week after week, and those people managing that transport from manufacturer to end user have complied with the IMDG Code with safety and efficiency. Consequently, the number of emergency incidents arising from carriage of dangerous goods by sea, has greatly reduced.

The present training pack consists of two video films prepared by the world recognized Videotel specialists whose original intention was to provide the shipping industry with the information to be learned and clearly understood by all people involved in marine transportation of various dangerous goods, in fact regardless of their position on board and their involvement in the process.

The films cover literally everything the crew members and other persons engaged in transportation should be well aware of in order to provide safe and efficient transportation of the dangerous cargo. Wherever safety is involved, the maximum care shall be taken and maximum knowledge of the process shall be there...

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Are you polluting the sea sea or protecting it? The sea is 7/10 of the world surface which enables human beings not only to travel but also to transport various goods worldwide. The sea supplies the substantial proportion of the food for you eat, it plays a vital part in a well-being of our planet. In short, it plays the top important role in supporting human life on the planet.

That is why it is so important to care about sea, keep it as clean as possible taking into account that the sea is a home for myriads of habitats. However, performing this task is getting more and more difficult as the time goes due to the increasing level of sea water pollution from vessels, offshore rigs and other marine structures, both mobile and stationary. This video addresses the main aspects of sea pollution and main and most effective methods of fighting it.

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A typhoon in the Philippines, catastrophic flooding in India and Bangladesh - disasters such as these have always faced mankind and there is no much that we can do about them. But now it seems likely that some of these climatic problems are being made even worse by the effect the man has had on the planet's atmosphere.

The global warming which has already been recognized as a global climatic problem of the mankind, is seriously affecting the climate of our planet and, if not checked, this could eventually result in a dramatically changed surface of the large areas of the planet in only some decades time. And one of the most serious consequences of such change is that our children's world may be looking very different to the one we know now.

This is something we have to fight against, co-operating and combining efforts since protection of the global environment is a common goal for all people and countries. And this video may give people some more information useful to those concerned with the energy saving on board the vessels - obviously, this is one of the ways to help in the global effort of protecting our climatic system.

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The present training video shall be watched by the crew members of all vessels required to comply with MARPOL requirements, especially by the ship officers assigned with the duties under preparation of SOPEP and exercising this plan. All officers shall have a clear understanding of the importance of having duly prepared SOPEP.

It shall be noted that it is mandatory to regularly exercise subject plan and this is mainly what the video concentrates on. The exercise implies transferring the cargo between tanks this is one of the parts of the established spill mitigation procedure.

Taking into account that the shipboard oil spills can have catastrophic consequences for the marine environment, good training shall be provided to all ship operators, crew members and cargo owners, and this video is one of the components of the training making it much easier for the above mentioned people to understand and comply. Download it and keep ready for the trainees who will appreciate the material and explanations.

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In the past years, the significantly improved efficiency in shipping industry has been duly accompanied with greater attention to safety and environmental responsibility. But, while pollution regulations have been seriously tightened and have become much more strictly enforced, there is another problem that have has become evident - ballast water. In some circumstances, ballast water can carry diseases, microscopic organisms from one part of the planet to another.

This may potentially lead to the spread of deadly to human pathogens. So, ballast water management programs are being introduced to try to prevent this from happening. that is why it is now considered critically important to regulate and control all water ballasting operations, performing them in strict compliance with the requirements of the Ballast Water Management Convention and keeping the records of every single operation.

This video will introduce trainees to the ballast water management techniques and operations commonly carried out on board vessels so that they can prepare themselves, noting that subject Convention is already in force.

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The present video film was specifically prepared by the "Pacific States" to explain the best of the established bunkering practices that would lead to protection of the people as well as of the surrounding environment. The Task Force organization which has also played significant role in creation process was originally formed to protect fifty six thousand miles of sensitive shore line along the coasts of British Columbia, California, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, and Hawaii.

We are all well aware of the fact that even a single spill can potentially cost millions that will have to be spent for cleanup and other activities; apart from that, it will result in the increased monitoring of the operations and limits imposed on them by the maritime authorities, etc. This video will show the practices following which the companies might help prevent the critically dangerous and costly oil spills. The topics covered include the components of the pre-loading plan, safe transfer procedure steps, preparations for the transfer, typical distractions, and recognition of why and when the transfer process shall be shut down..

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Many vapors are normally generated by the tankers and all of them are very harmful to the surrounding environment. The VEC, standing for the vapor emission control, system allows such vapors created by the chemical or oil tankers to be returned to the shore using a close system; subsequently, these vapors are either burned or converted into oil.

The present training video will guide you through the various VEC concepts and explain how the marine ports all around the world make all efforts to minimize the harmful emissions to the atmosphere through vapor emission control. It also addresses the relevant MARPOL guidelines that specify the requirement for having the VEC installed on the vessels for minimization of the emissions both during the cargo operations and the voyages.

The VEC systems have been outlines together with all applicable standards; in addition, some brief but comprehensive explanation of the terminal facilities necessary to achieve proper vapor emission control is also provided. Close attention has been paid by the authors to the specific requirements covering the tank level and pressure monitoring systems mandated through MARPOL.

Among the main topics covered in this video there are VEC regulations, operation of the systems and training required, lightering, procedures to be followed before arrival and before/after cargo loading, and many other important topics. Do not forget to have a look into associated training booklet.

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Here is the training video film accompanying the booklet devoted to the problem of the management of the shipboard wastes that are generated in the engine room. It is very important for all crew members and all visitors to duly understand the importance of the proper waste management and know all relevant procedures, since the failure to follow these procedures can eventually result in the pollution of the environment.

This set of video and booklet makes one of the parts of the training package, the other parts of which are dealing with the sewage and waste water treatment, sludge and the incinerators, and the oil record book. It is imperative for the trainees to get themselves familiarized with the content of each part in order to get proper understanding of the procedures.

The training is recommended to the crew members of all vessels since all vessels have machinery spaces where wastes are generated and shall be managed in proper way that will eliminate the possibility of the environment pollution. Taking into account that the training has been developed by the recognized and maybe the most respected training provider, we recommend it to everyone willing to improve their skills and raise the awareness in this regard.

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