Offshore Engineering


This is a very useful title providing all required guidance to the drilling engineers. The readers including practicing engineers and students have already appreciated the content of this volume and found it very practically useful since it touches every single aspect of the drilling, starting from the planning of the wells and casing design, through interpretation of the drilling diagrams and checking the properties of the drilling muds, and up to the troubleshooting procedures.

It shall be noted, however, that the book has not been designed for the absolute beginners to the drilling. The content has actually been formatted with the assumption made by the author that the readers have at least some real experience in drilling, that's why it will best suit the practicing drillers, drilling rig supervisors, well planners and other professionals. We would recommend this book to all people involved in drilling.

The explanations provided a support to the calculations are quite clear and adequate, fully serving their purpose. The division of the content is excellent and technical descriptions are easily understandable. The book will be very useful for the specialists working with the operation and willing to have some more information about the projects or refresh their technical knowledge...

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This excellent and practically useful volume with the content relating to the oil spills was prepared by the recognized expert in offshore industry having more than forty years of professional experience. According to the estimations conducted by the recognized specialists, from approximately two to eight million tons of oil release in to the waters of the world ocean annually, and note that seventy percent of that oil directly relates to various activities of the people.

The negative effects caused by these spills are quite apparent and include contaminated water, dead wild life, marshlands covered by oil, and many others. The present reference publication is expected to provide the practicing engineers and scientists with the clear technical descriptions of the established methods that are commonly used for the identification and elimination of the oil spills before they actually occur and also to the development of the effective techniques plus the materials and equipment used when dealing with such spills.

Among the topics that have been covered within this book there are dynamics and behavior of the oil spills and effective cleanup techniques and spill treating agents. The effects and fate of the spills have also been covered together with the means of assessment of the damage caused...

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A must-have volume for all oil and gas industry workers. The book features excellent arrangement of the material and provides convenient and easily accessible reference for the offshore people not using these calculations and formulas regularly. The intention is to help them reduce the amount of the materials they shall carry to the site or rig floor.

The volume opens with a review of the basic calculations and equations; it provides numerous examples for better understanding. this is a perfectly handy reference book offering readers a quick overview of such important topics as the pressure control and drilling fluids, engineering and air/gas calculations - note that they are provided in either metric or English system.

The easy layout of the content will add to the practicality of the volume and allow to the workers and their managers to save time. This release of the book is covering virtually all calculations that are normally done offshore in conjunction with the drilling an oil well, production and also workover. An excellent and widely popular resource for everyone working on the offshore and onshore installations and directly engaged in the above listed activities.

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This is one of the most popular technical books on marine drilling - it will be particularly useful for the newcomers to the industry. The text of the volume is supplemented with hundreds of data diagrams and informative photographs included in order to better illustrate the chapters of the volume that, in turn, cover such the important aspects of marine drilling as preparation for the offshore drilling operations, description of the types of the offshore units together with the equipment installed on them, marine and drilling operations, training procedures for the personnel, theory and fundamentals of the rotary drilling, and many others.

It actually covers every single aspect of marine drilling, addressing the marine operations separately for easier understanding of the material. The book is expected to be highly appreciated not only by the students of the offshore drilling but even by the professionals of the industry who will get a good chance to check and refresh their knowledge of the subject. Have a look in this book if you really want to familiarize yourself with the basics of the offshore exploration drilling.

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The natural gas has been in use by human, serving as a practical fuel for almost two centuries. However, the demand for it has significantly developed quite recently, within past several decades, and the main reason for that was the difficulty with storage and transportation of the has in comparison to the various liquid fuels.

In the beginning, natural gas was in use only in the fields where it was produced, and the excess production was either flared or vented to the atmosphere, especially that was true talking about the gas which was produced along with the oil.

Further development of the pipelines/compressors featuring much larger diameters and higher pressures together with the development of the technology necessary for the storage of gas in the reservoirs, has eventually resulted in the increased demand for the natural gas and for the more effective technology of its production and transportation.

As a result, the price obtained for the gas has also increased. The difference in the maximum and average selling price of the gas was quite significant because of the extremely big quantities of gas sold at low prices under the long-term contracts which were made many years back...

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Another brilliant textbook for the offshore workers. It will be particularly useful to the construction engineers. Among the main features of this volume the readers note the great and very informative photos making the understanding of the material much easier, inclusion of the elementary formulas to be used for the offshore calculations, and some other aspects making it a best choice for the students.

The book has gained the extreme popularity in the offshore industry worldwide and is used as an excellent reference guide for the selection, operation and maintenance of the various offshore structures. The content will provide readers with a sort of roadmap for the design of the structures standing up in any environments. The author has also discussed the matters of selecting proper type of the structure from both technical and economical viewpoints.

In addition, he has presented the effective design procedure to be applied to the fixed structures and gave some instructions on the design review in order to get the optimum technical solution. the offshore engineers having this book will received the information on the most effective and up-to-date methods to be used for the analysis of the structural lifecycle and implement the relevant maintenance plans...

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This nice title shall be treated as the informative resource for everyone who need to know everything about the concrete applied in the offshore structures working in the sea-water environments since it is providing all necessary info related to these structures, chemical composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of concrete, gives some interesting historical background of concrete commonly used in the sea-water, frequent causes of the concrete deterioration in the seawater, proper selection of construction materials, proportions for the durable concrete mixtures, repair works on various marine structures, concreting practice, and future applications of the concrete offshore.

The author limited the use of specific terminology and added numerous real-life examples and also many supplementary illustrations. The concrete is deservedly considered a practical and durable material and its utilization in construction of various maritime/offshore structures is quite beneficial from economical point of view. Same applied to the reinforced concrete considered a perfect material for constructing the advanced marine structures. The present title provides crystal clear explanations of the relevant technical aspects of concrete use in building the maritime/offshore structures together with its behavior...

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The present publication has been prepared to serve as a reference tool covering numerous important aspects of SPM, standing for the single point mooring systems. Such systems are widely used to keep a marine facility stationed at one particular fixed location. The vessels to be fixed could be FSO or FPSO. Nowadays, there are hundreds of SPM systems operational.

The opening part of this volume gives some brief historical background of the origins of oil and gas exploration and the supply and demand for oil in today's situation. In addition, this publication also shows the history of the development of the SPM systems, addressing some of the important aspects of designing these systems. The author of this volume also goes into details of the hydrodynamics and loadings acting on these facilities by waves and wind together with the behaviour of various types of mooring systems. The historical overview is followed by the chapter describing the basic technical characteristics of FPSOs and relevant terminology as well as fundamental design considerations. There is a separate chapter dedicated to the weather conditions, i.e. current, wind, waves including simulation, and hurricane conditions.

Mooring elements and risers are described in the next chapters. The book is also dealing with such aspects as riser analysis, hydrodynamic forces, particulars of VLCCs, wind and current loads acting on FPSOs and VLCCs, first and second order wave forces, roll and pitch, viscous forces, signal analysis, mat equations, model testing and so many others.

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