Ship Design & Construction


With more than seventy percent of the surface of our planet covered by the water, the maritime transportation of people and goods is deservedly considered one of the critically important ways of moving them all across the continents. The international maritime transportation has always been in the extensive use, throughout the history of the mankind since it allows numerous achievements that would otherwise not be possible in the other ways, including the technological, commercial, social and other areas.

This has eventually resulted in the necessity of getting to the better understanding of the ship design, starting from the very moment when the human decided to board the first boat. There have been thousands of ship designers engaged in the process of making the boats safer and faster.

However, it was always too difficult for the people to develop a due knowledge of all aspects of the marine engineering. This is where the engineering mathematics came to help them though the application of the math methods and different techniques of solving problems. In this edition of the “Engineering Mathematics” title the team of experts attempts to employ the subject knowledge in order to get proper recommendations related to the various areas of the ship design

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The FEM is considered one of the best numerical methods used to solve the differential equations describing many various engineering problems. This new publication is covering the fundamental theory of the final element method including appendices on each program. The authors have introduced the concepts of this method enabling engineers to use it efficiently and also to properly interpret the obtained results.

They will learn all finite elements including one, two and three dimensional elements. The book is written excellently; the readers will definitely enjoy the examples provided in the book and illustrating the concepts. The book has been found to be among the best available resources to learn the FEM, suitable for the graduate and undergraduate levels.

The content is perfectly organized and procedures are well explained and illustrated. Some of the relevant programs including MATLAB and ANSYS have also been covered and provided with detailed explanations. This is highly recommended volume to the people willing to have a clear idea about the FEM and its applications and understand the fundamentals of this method to be able to apply it.

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The UMV, standing for the unmanned marine vehicles, is a collective term which is commonly used for describing the autonomous vehicles operating under the surface of the water, ROVs, i.e. remotely operated vehicles, unmanned surface crafts and semi-submersibles.

In fact, the content of the present volume continues to familiarize readers with the advances in UMV, the process commenced within the original publication by these authors coming under the title Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles, published about ten years back.

Nowadays, there is quite considerable interest in these vehicles shown by the military, scientific and even civilian communities planning to undertake different missions while being autonomous or working together with some other vehicle.

This volume addresses many important topics, for instance the navigation guidance and controlling the UMVs etc. Recommended to the people with professional interest in the subject, willing to be in line with all latest developments in the field.

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When working on this volume, the author was pretty aware of the huge scope of the contemporary vessel design as well as the difficulties faced by the designers trying to place the different elements in the correct perspective. The significant increase in the world tonnage has eventually resulted in the progress with this task, and that is why the need for the food review appeared.

Apart from the discussions on the newly introduced design techniques, the content of the present title also focuses on the essential theory of the naval architecture, without which it would bake little to no sense to proceed any further. Every effort has been made to present the material in the way that would make it understandable to the students; it should not be, however, treated as the mere textbook of naval architecture.

The real intention of the author was to introduce students to the general scope of the most important areas of ship design. The volume is therefore highly recommended to the students of the naval architecture and ship design faculties; however it will be of practical use even to the specialists willing to improve or refresh their knowledge of the subject, expanding it to cover some new areas.

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The content of this volume was written based on the decades of experience of the author as well as his years of lecturing in the university. Since the subject lectures were left unpublished for so many years, the decision was made by the author to compile this perfect book and provide all information and knowledge needed by and useful to the students, in a single and comprehensive volume.

All of the calculations are duly explained in a way making them understandable to the students at all levels. The content is divided in three parts, the first one dealing with the areas, volume, and center of gravity, giving some very general considerations on the subject. The second part of the book is devoted entirely to the ship calculations. The third part addresses the strength of ships together with all associated calculations.

As you can see, the publication was released more that a century back. However, it is still recommended to the students, due to the fact that the theoretical basics of the ship design and construction have not changed. And, the explanations given by the author in his work are somewhat more clear and easier to follow, understand, and apply than the ones in the books being released today.

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This is a quite compact but very informative and useful publication providing clear explanations of the shear forces acting on the ship hull and the bending moments resulting from that. The subject definitions actually form the basis of the ship mechanics and lay in the foundation of any strength related calculations. That is why it is critically important for the ship designers and shipbuilders to have good and thorough understanding of them.

Written by the professional captain, the document will be of great use for the people who are not involved in ship design, but rather for those in need of having general understanding of the topic. As we know, the shear force is the one tending to shear, or break, a beam perpendicular to the major axis of that beam. For the purpose of the relevant calculations, the hull of the vessel is normally considered a beam.

The bending moment, in turn, is a sum of all moments that try to alter the beam’s shape. When the vessel is afloat, resting on the surface of the water, the longitudinal deflections will be experienced by the hull; they are caused by the uneven weight and buoyance distribution along the hull length. The subject stresses are always there regardless of the ship loading, and cannot be avoided.

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Over the past decades, the members of the Ship Structure Committee have collected and analyzed extensive service cases of the unsatisfactory vessel designs concerning their structural part. The material contained in the document is intended to help the ship designers, including both naval and commercial ships, to specify the cost effective and technically sound details. The details provided in the pages of the present guide combine the service experience with the costs of fabrication.

There are also many data tables, diagrams, pictures and other supplementary materials intended to help the ship designers when selecting the appropriate details of the structure. First of all, the authors provide a brief overview of the sample failures of the ship structures, structural tolerances and material fatigue, as well as general philosophy of the ship design.

The performance of the details is covered in the separate chapter, followed with the information on the estimated man-hours needed for the fabrication. Several practical recommendations conclude the main part of the guide. There are also three appendices with the additional information making the guide even more useful.

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The world famous Titanic was considered by so many people, including the professional ship designers, naval architects, and shipbuilders, to be an absolutely unsinkable vessel. Featuring the efficient and redundant shipboard safety systems based on the very latest technological achievements of that time, the vessel was not even considered to possess a full complement of the lifesaving appliances.

As we know, the sad truth is that her maiden voyage resulted in a collision with the iceberg leading to the loss of thousands of people including passengers and crew members. This catastrophe is deservedly treated as one of the most tragic maritime disasters in the history. The author of this book wanted to analyze the entire project of building this ship, from the design stage and up to the launching, to reveal and show the compromises that were made at the beginning of the project, eventually resulting in the flaws.

One of the features of this publication is that it will be equally interesting to the ship designers and the IT people since the author made every effort to show how the lessons obtained from this catastrophe could be applied to the various IT projects, as it happens that the designers claim and think they have launched a truly perfect solution…

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