Ship Design & Construction


This book will provide required practical reference and will therefore be of great use for the students and practicing naval architects, noting that the content is up-to-date. The volume shall be highly recommended to the people engaged in developing the design of the ships trying to reach higher efficiency and operational economy.

Apart from just documenting the ship design procedures, this book is also touching the new computer-based design methods. According to the reviews, this is a very comprehensive treatise of ship design giving students valuable advice on the design of the ship, particularly focusing on the hull. The operational economy of the ships has also been paid serious attention by the author.

The material contained in the volume is directly usable making it a good choice for the working specialists, such as the ship designers; however, the easy-to-follow way it is presented in makes it also a perfect textbook for the students at all levels who can use it as a supplementary reading. In fact, this is one of the most popular books available on ship design with emphasis made on the efficiency aspects since there are not too many publications addressing this today.

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This is a remarkably comprehensive and easy to use reference book bringing the fundamental information required for better understanding of the design and performance of ships. the content of the volume is covering all major technical aspects involved and includes the exam one-liners. Note that the readers are not expected to have some deep knowledge of the ship design as pre-requisite.

Instead, it helps to build up their understanding key elements of the vessel design together with their impact on the performance and to find the ways of how to maximize subject performance. the book was prepared by the recognized marine engineering expert presenting the fundamental formulas and facts backed up by the theoretical information, informative illustrations and photos.

Numerous examples of the contemporary ship designs have been included. Among the items addresses there are general particulars of the vessels, their types, speed and powering, ship propeller design, behavior of ship in restricted waters etc. We would definitely say that this volume is a perfect textbook for the students providing easily accessible information which may also interest practicing specialists.

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Featuring a content prepared by the group of recognized and well respected authorities in a world of shipbuilding, this excellent publication is a perfect reference for all naval architects, ship constructors, ship designers and marine engineers - in fact for every single person interested in or working in the marine industry. The main emphasis has been made by the author of the volume upon the construction and design of the vessels in order to fulfill several specific missions.

Apart from the purely theoretical chapters such as the chapters on naval architecture principles, structural components of the ship's hull, analysis and design of the principal structures and ship construction fundamentals, the book also addresses the established ship construction practices and effective procedures, welding, assembly, launching and outfitting of the newly constructed ship, materials used for construction, applicable rules, regulations and standards, up to the sea trials and preparation of the vessel for delivery.

A glossary of the commonly used ship construction and design terminology is also included for easier use of the book. In short, we can say that this volume is definitely the most comprehensive one of those devoted to the ship design principles and major construction techniques.

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The main intention of the author of this volume treated as one of the best ship construction textbooks available today, is to provide the readers with the basic theoretical knowledge that is necessary for those willing to get to the thorough technical understanding of the ship construction problems.

It will be a great source for the students of ship building, ship repair, and many other specialties connected with ship technology and marine-related sciences. It will be particularly useful for the students engaged in BTEC programs preparing to start their careers at sea. The content of the book covers literally everything starting from the fundamental theoretical information about the basic elements of the ships, their types, constructional features, their hulls and shipboard systems, outfitting items etc.

Then the book covers all shipyard practices, joining metals, means of control, and even international regulations governing the construction of ships. We are all aware of the significant changes that took place in the ship construction industry in the past decades, such as the introduction of several brand new construction technologies, and one of the main aims of the present volume is to describe most of the contemporary shipyard techniques to the readers with due attention being paid to the basic theoretical principles.

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The rapidly growing demand for the commercial activities taking place at sea has eventually resulted in the development of the vessels together with the rules commonly applicable to and governing their construction and operation. The publication deals with every single aspect of the practical ship design, handling the widest range of merchant and naval vessels with authority.

The author has provided a good coverage of the cargo and passenger vessels, dredgers, tug boats and other ships. Among the topics covered there are also concept design and hydrodynamics, detail and structural design, regulation governing the design, preparation of the technical specifications, economical and costing matters.

The content has been developed on the basis of the author's huge experience in the field of ship design and will be interesting to people involved in the ship design activities as well as to those dealing with ship construction and repair, ship operation etc. The layout is excellent - most of the things normally not covered in the naval architecture books have been addressed in this volume so this is in fact the only publication offering such a wide coverage of topics in a single volume.

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This title represents a significantly updated version of the original edition published about thirty years ago. The authors did their best to describe the application of the welding symbols in BS EN 22553 British/European Standard, ISO 2553 International Standard, and U.S. ANSI/AWS A2.4-98.

The publication will provide a review of the content of ISO/AWS standards; it also compares subject standards. Nowadays, there are thousands of engineering drawings in use, and all of them have plenty of symbols. The book addresses the most important differences between standards covering the welding symbols, provides the most up-to-date information on the AWS and ISO standards, and also contains numerous examples of how the welding symbols are applied on the engineering drawings.

The book will be of great practical importance and use for the practicing engineers as well as for the students, i.e. for anyone dealing with the preparation of the engineering drawings in accordance with the recognized standards and with their further use. Since it is quite clear that virtually no engineering activity can take place without the drawings, the book is expected to be well met by all engineering fields.

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This volume shall provide the students with the fundamental technical skills normally required when making a broad range of piping-related drawings. The content of the publication is presenting a detailed approach to the basics that all students will need in order to start a successful career in the field of design and drafting.

The opening chapter of the volume provides a quick yet comprehensive overview of the opportunities existing there in design and drafting for the people mastering the fundamental skills presented in the other parts. Each of the chapters continues a preceding one. That is why it is recommended to master the concept of particular chapter of the book prior to proceeding to the next chapter.

Note that there are exercises and questions provided at the end of each chapter included to assist the students in the review and further practicing the concepts of the subject chapter. The book covers the steel piping, pipe fittings, basics of flanges and valves, mechanical equipment, flow diagrams and relevant instrumentation, applicable technical codes and specifications, layout of the equipment used, drawings and sections, isometrics, 3D-modeling and many other important topics.

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This perfectly arranged guidebook was written to provide the readers with the reference source covering the design calculations of the offshore platforms, which are the main marine structures in the offshore oil-and-gas industry, with the particular attention paid to all critical issues which the designers usually face.

It also provides readers with the descriptions of the simple design instruments based on the popular international codes by ISO, API plus other commonly applied standards and practices used in marine structure design. Coordination among the different engineering disciplines and managing the engineering phase are also discussed in the book.

A separate chapter of the book has been devoted to the modeling by means of the PDMS and SACS software. The content includes more than three hundred of representative calculations related to the marine design and structural analysis.

The real life case studies and worked examples age given providing some additional information and supplementing the main text. Numerous practically useful checklists, tables and design schemes have also been provided for easy reference.

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